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A Separate Peace Electronic Time Capsule

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1 A Separate Peace Electronic Time Capsule
By: Kierston Barttrum

2 WW II Battles in Pacific
1. 1941- Japanese bomb Pearl Harbor; also attack the Philippines, Guam, Wake Island, Malaya, Shanghai, and Thailand. 1942- Battle of Empress Augustusta Bay.

3 Battles of Pacific cont.
1944- First bombing raid on Japan in railway facilities in Bangkok. 1945- British occupy Akyab in Burma.

4 Propaganda Posters 2. 3.

5 Frank Sinatra 4. Famous singer in the 1940’s.
Born on December 12th 1915 in Hoboken, New Jersey. Died May 14th 1998 because of natural causes. Best known song was New York, New York. Leader of the Rat Pack

6 Frank Sinatra 5.

7 Ingrid Bergman 6. Born August 29th 1915 in Stockholm, Sweden
Died August 29th 1915 due to cancer. Best known as “the greatest actress alive.”

8 Ingrid Bergman 7.

9 Invention of Penicillin
8. Penicillin was invented when Alexander Fleming left a dish of staphylococcus bacteria uncovered for a few days. He later found a splotch of the dish dotted with bacteria, apart from where mold had been. The mold made Penicillin.

10 Clothing for Young Men 9. Vests disappeared and bright colored wide tides came into affect. Zoo suits were the main attraction to Mexican-Americans and “Afro-Americans” Zoo suits were wide legged and high- waisted trousers with long coats. But because of war, people thought such clothing was unpatriotic and rebellious.

11 Zoo Suit 10.

12 Political Leader 11. Harry S. Truman was the President in 1943-1952.
He enlisted in the army right after WWI began. Soon after, he studied law and became county judge. Later, he became Franklin D. Roosevelt’s vice president. Following Roosevelt’s death, he took charge as President until 1952. Harry S. Truman died on December 26th 1972,

13 Harry S. Truman 12.

14 Picture Cites 2. 3. 5.

15 Picture Cites cont. 7. 10. :// 12.

16 Other Cites 1. 4. 6. 8. 9. 11.

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