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Latin American history

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1 Latin American history
Part 2

2 I. In 2014, many leaders are Socialist
Hugo Chavez: Venezuela President Nationalized oil companies Price controls Communes + nationalized farms Dilma Rousseff: Brazil Rafael Correa: Ecuador Evo Morales: Bolivia Daniel Ortega: Nicaragua Cristina Kitchner: Argentina

3 II. Why are so many leaders Marxist?
Marx says , “all history is the history of class struggle.” i.e. it’s all about rich versus poor Marx calls the rich the bourgeoisie and the poor the proletariat Latin America has always had strict social hierarchies A few rich people control most of the wealth Often there is racial element

4 III. Freedom from Spain All of Latin America was a colony of Spain (except for Brazil and a few Caribbean colonies) Simón Bolívar leads armies to overthrow Spain from Known as el Libertador. Won independence for Bolivia, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. Admired the American and French Revolutions. Was a dictator, like Napoleon.


6 Encomienda system (1521-1821) Encomienda system:
 each Spanish person was given a certain number of natives for whom they were responsible Peninsulares (Spanish) Criollos (Creoles) Mestizos (half-Indian) Indians

7 After independence (1810-1920)
Cirollos (Creoles) Mestizos (half-Indians) Indians

8 Contemporary (1920-now) Upper class Middle class Lower class

9 IV. United States’ intervention
Monroe Doctrine (1823): US promises to be involved in Latin America. Fought the Mexican-American War (1840s) and the Spanish-American- Cuban-Filipino War (early 1900s) Between sent troops to Nicaragua El Salvador Haiti Cuba Panama Dominican Republic During the Cold War (1960s and 1970s) the CIA backs coups and dictators

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