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Ni Hao1_L5 SuLaoShi.

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Presentation on theme: "Ni Hao1_L5 SuLaoShi."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ni Hao1_L5 SuLaoShi

2 Pronunciation_1

3 Pronunciation_2

4 Backpack materials

5 What_is_this?

6 Whose_is_this?

7 Is_this_yours?

8 Identifying objects

9 Asking who own the object

10 Asking if things belong to someone

11 asking if someone knows something

12 New words NH1_L5_1 writing NH1_L5_2 writing NH1_L5_3 writing

13 Person, people 们: 人 (亻) +門(门)

14 Finger guessing jiǎndāo 剪刀 scissors Shítóu 石头 rock bù 布 cloth
Note: similar as Rock Scissor Paper game

15 Calligraphy 墨 mò ink 纸 zhǐ paper 砚 yàn ink stone 书法 shūfǎ Calligraphy
Four traditional tool: (文房四宝 Four Treasures of Study) 毛笔 máobǐ pen brush 墨 mò ink 纸 zhǐ paper 砚 yàn ink stone 文房四宝 Four Treasures of Study:

16 Chinese inventions Zhǐ nán zhēn 指南针 compass zào zhǐ shù
造纸术 making paper huó zì yìn shuā shù 活 字 印刷术 woodblock printing Huǒ yào 火药 gunpowder Silk, silver-tin(filling for teeth), tofu, acupuncture, seismograph(earthquake), etc. 指南针: 造纸术: 活字 印刷术 :

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