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US, Latin America, Europe, Russia facts

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1 US, Latin America, Europe, Russia facts

2 The Dust Bowl : Great Plains region devastated by drought in 1930s

3 purchased land, from France
- To expand westward, U.S. purchased land, from France - Midwest became an industry (1800s) center because of the large supply of coal making steam power cheap.

4 Rain shadow effect happens on the leeward side of the mountains
Property of google images 2015 An area having relatively little precipitation due to the effect of a physical barrier

5 A social class is made up of a group ranked by:
ancestry wealth - education

6 Maquiladora challenges: pollution
Air Water

7 Bolivia and Paraguay the only two countries landlocked

8 Irish economy hit by a Potato
blight (1940s) that wiped out there main food source causing a widespread famine.

9 The tall peaks of the Alps mountains block winds carrying moisture from the North Atlantic.

10 France was divided into two states
during WWII

11 The sun doesn’t set for weeks at a time in the Southern territories of the Nordic nations in winter

12 - Czech government sold its industries to private citizens that effected them in the mid 1990s which caused privatization and reduced unemployment.


14 Aided Russia throughout history because
of the harsh winters

15 divide into smaller mutually hostile states or groups between 1817-1912.

16 Bosnia Herzegovina in the 1990’s
Was a nation of conflicting ethnic groups

17 Western Siberia is known for the
largest peat bog thawing Making it a known contributor global warming

18 - Dangerous radical socialist Trotsky was exiled in order
Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili is - Joseph Stalin ( ) dictator of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) - Dangerous radical socialist Trotsky was exiled in order for Stalin to come into power.

19 Romanov dynasty, rulers of Russia from (1613-1917)Began with young king…Mikhail
“Ekaterina” was the first female To rule Russia, after her husband Peter III was assassinated

20 - Age of Enlightenment brought to Russia by Peter The Great

21 Russia located in two continents

22 The Caucasus mountains are located between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea

23 The Ural mountains forms the border between European Russia and Asian Russia

24 80% of Russia’s population lives in the Northern European Plain

25 Lake Baikal is located in the area of Russia called Siberia

26 The Volga River connects the Caspian Sea

27 Taiga forest located in Russia covers 2/3 of the area

28 Intelligentsia – Is the intelligent elite in Europe.
Socialist realism – Only producing socialist art Soviet repression – Producing non-Soviet art in other countries

29 The Industrial Revolution made Europe the birthplace of modern industry (sparked by coal and iron ore)

30 - More Europeans earn a living farming than any other activity

31 Using natural substances to grow cops instead of chemicals.
Europe handles over 50% of the world’s shipping

32 Europeans moved toward unity after WWII to rebuild their economy
The European Union was formed in 1992 when the Maastricht Treaty was signed

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