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Supreme Court Cases.

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Presentation on theme: "Supreme Court Cases."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supreme Court Cases

2 Group Format - Plaintiffs (2 lawyers to represent the person or persons filing a claim) - Defendant (2 lawyers to represent the person or persons required to answer a plaintiff's complaint) .

3 Each group is expected to read the case carefully and present their case or court rulings to get full credit. -Lawyers need to present important questions and arguments to win their case.

4 Lawyers need to pay attention to: - clearly presenting the main issue of the case. - explaining or identifying the supporting argument(s). -identifying and cite the constitutional law or precedence (past case) that supports their case.

5 Presentation Time Frame - Plaintiffs (3 to 5 minutes to present their complaint) - Defendant (3 to 5 minutes to respond to the complaint) - Do not disrupt the lawyers who are doing the presentations with comments or questions. Wait for your turn. Disruptions will result in losing points toward their grade.

6 During the Court Presentations (Lawyers & Judges) - Listen to the presentation quietly and wait for your group’s turn (if not, your group will lose grade points). -Present your argument professionally. Do not try to instigate an argument by taunting the opposition during the presentation (if not, your group will lose grade points).

7 During the Court Presentations (Class - Audience) The rest of the class need to do the following to get class participation: - Listen to the presentation quietly. -Do not disrupt the presentations. -Write a paragraph (at least 3-4 sentences) to predict the winner of the case. -The instructor ask the audience questions randomly to check if they are paying attention for participation points.

8 Grades The instructor will grade your presentation based on your written and oral arguments (quality of work) , participation (put it their share of work), and professionalism (polite, maintain control) during the presentation.

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