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The Abolitionist Movement

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Presentation on theme: "The Abolitionist Movement"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Abolitionist Movement

2 Gradualism Slowly end of slavery Pros Cons No new slaves, Phase out
Compensate (pay) slave owner Pros End slavery, keep South from starting war, give South economy time to adjust Cons Expensive, Slow, Where would slaves go?, South might start war

3 Colonization American Colonization Society
Move slaves to Liberia, Africa Pro End slavery, Slave wouldn’t deal with racism, Cons Expensive, who would replace slaves?, Southern economy could collapse, slaves didn’t want to go, South start war

4 Abolitionism Free slaves immediately Pro Con
Not gradually and with no compensation Pro End slavery, Cheap, Quick Con South could start war, economy could collapse, where would slaves go?,

5 The Response to Abolitionists
Reaction in the North Disapproved of slavery, but fear abolitionists Threat to economy Led to war with North and South Threat to social order Take jobs from whites

6 The Response to Abolitionists
Reaction in the South Caused them to more strongly defend institution Blame rebellions on Abolitionist papers Demand abolitionism papers stop or they would leave union House of Rep. issue suppress all petitions

7 Results of Abolitionists
Before Civil War movement still very small Movement reminder of how much issue dividing the country.

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