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The 5 Themes of Geography

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1 The 5 Themes of Geography

2 Location Location may be absolute or relative
An absolute location is a latitude and a longitude (a global location) or a street address (local location ex: Paris, France is 48 N latitude & 2 E longitude 2350 Estates Pkwy., Lucas, TX 75002 Relative locations are described by landmarks, time, direction or distance from one place to another.

3 PLACE Places have both human and physical characteristics
Physical characteristics are the same as physical features including mountains, rivers, soil, animals, etc. Human characteristics can be identified as architecture, communication, transportation, language, religious beliefs, and political beliefs. People’s descriptions of a place reveal the values, attitudes and perceptions of a culture.

4 Human/ Environmental Interaction
How do humans and the environment affect each other? We change the environment and Mother Nature changes it back.

5 There are three key concepts to human/environmental interaction:
1. Humans adapt to the environment 2. Humans modify the environment. 3. Humans depend on the environment.

6 Movement The movement of people, the import and export of goods, and mass communication have all played major roles in shaping our world. People everywhere interact. We travel and communicate. We live in a global village and a global economy. List some ways that people interact with each other through movement.

7 REGION Basic unit of geography
Area that displays unity in terms of human or physical characteristics Three types of regions: Formal – defined by political boundaries (i.e., United States, Texas). Functional – defined by a function (i.e., school districts) Vernacular (Informal) – loosely defined by people’s perception, usually a cultural region (i.e., the Middle East, the South, the West) What region do we live in? How would you describe it? What states would you define as the South?

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