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“how are you rewriting your life for lent?”

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Presentation on theme: "“how are you rewriting your life for lent?”"— Presentation transcript:

1 “how are you rewriting your life for lent?”
Lenten BFGs This is the big question we are going to explore together today.

2 What is lent? Discuss as a big family group and record some answers on the classroom board. (4 min.)

3 We follow Jesus’ example through….
Let’s check in with Father Jack, out on the streets of New York about what praying, fasting, and giving really mean?

4 (4 min.)

5 “How will you rewrite your life for lent?”
As a group, discuss some examples of the three Lenten pillars of praying, fasting, and giving. Chart new ideas on the board. (4 min.)

6 let us blossom into disciples of Christ, through prayer, fasting, and giving.

7 Make a promise to rewrite your life for Lent….
1. Use the coloured template provided to create your own blossom. 2. On the blossom print how you will rewrite your life for Lent (choose one). For example... “I will pray for _________” “I will fast from __________” “I will give _______” 3. Cut out your flower, and fold each petal in towards the middle, to create a 3-D blossom. These blossoms will be displayed throughout the school leading to our Tree of Mercy.

8 “Be Merciful as your father is Merciful…” pray, Fast, Give

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