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Bell Work Which of the following is a strength of a market economy?

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Presentation on theme: "Bell Work Which of the following is a strength of a market economy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Bell Work Which of the following is a strength of a market economy?
Guaranteed equity Guaranteed employment Opportunity for profit Lots of govt. regulation to ensure that no one has too little or too much

2 Circular Flow Diagram

3 Market: allows buyers and sellers to exchange items
Specialization: concentration of the productive efforts of individuals and firms on a limited number of activities---leads to efficient use of resources Free Market Economy: based on voluntary exchanges---exchange money and products

4 The Circular Flow Diagram
Inner ring: represent the flow of resources and products Outer ring: represents the flow of money

5 Household: Person or group of people living in the same residence: OWN the FOP and are CONSUMERS of goods and services Firms: Businesses or organizations that USES resources to produce a product, which it sells. Transforms the “INPUTS” of the FOP into “OUTPUT” products

6 Factor Market: Firms purchase or rent land, hire workers and pay them wages and borrow money
Product Market: Household purchase products made by firms with the money that they received from firms

7 Draw the CFD 1. Draw and label the CFD with arrows and headings
Label the CFD that corresponds with each transaction I purchase a coat from Walmart I work for Walmart I get paid for working at Walmart Footlockers provides shoes to customers

8 Your turn: List 6 transactions that would occur in the market and label them A through F Draw the Circular Flow Diagram and label it Put the 6 transactions onto the circular flow diagram

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