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Wednesday, November 19 An Object Lesson.

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1 Wednesday, November 19 An Object Lesson

2 Warm-Up: November 19 PAGE 270
Objective: To search for symbols in our everyday life. Question: What can you tell about someone’s personality simply based off of what that person owns?

3 Finding Symbols in Everyday Life
Instructions: This activity is to be done as a group. Using the magazines, find images that represent the story “Eleven” from Monday. These images can be taken directly from the story or be items that you think are symbolic of something in the story. At the center of the paper, create a theme statement that you think encapsulates “Eleven.” Staple this page into your journals on page 273.

4 Sharing is Caring Each group will present their masterpiece to the class after the fifteen minutes are up.

5 The Room Project Context: You can tell a lot about a person’s personality and values based off of what his or her room looks like.

6 PART I-MR. ZHAO’S ROOM Instructions: You will be shown photographs taken from Mr. Zhao’s room. Based off of these images, what can you extract about his personality?





11 Mr. Zhao’s Self Assessment
Based off of Mr. Zhao’s organization, all of his books, games, and movies are alphabetized, I can tell that he cares about order. He carpmentalizes his life so that all of the big pieces become easier to manage small pieces. Mr. Zhao is sentimental as well; instead of pictures of his family or friends on his walls, he has comic books. This tells me that he has a strong personal connection with fictional characters-that fantasy and escape are essential to his life and happiness.

12 PART II-YOUR ROOM Short Paragraph Response: Write a six sentence summary of the items in your room. What does it look like? Is it organized?

Short Paragraph Response: What does this person value in terms of both physical goods and personal values?

Short Paragraph Response: Evaluate how well this person has guessed at your personality. Are they close or way off?

15 Homework: Homework: Sherman Alexie and Sandra Cisneros, Common Threads You have the rest of the period to get started on your homework: Read the short stories Answer the questions DUE THURSDAY: Read pages 1-25 in House on Mango Street OR pages 1-53 in Part-Time Indian. Finish your Literature Circle worksheet for your book.

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