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Russia/Crimea Conflict

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Presentation on theme: "Russia/Crimea Conflict"— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia/Crimea Conflict



4 Vladimir Putin

5 Viktor Yanukovych

6 Oleksandr Turchynov

7 Videos

8 Reading and Chart “Unrest in Ukraine: Background”

9 Class Discussion What actions escalated this conflict (made it worse quick!)? What could have been done differently to prevent this from happening? What actions do you think the United States should take? What could be the implications (consequences) of getting involved in this conflict?

10 Questions, cont. What could be the implications (consequences) of NOT getting involved? What are the arguments for and against getting involved? What other historical events does this situation remind you of? What economic impacts will this have on the World and the United States?

11 Obama’s Stance


13 Questions to Consider:
1. Describe objects 2. Describe action 3. Identify at least two techniques that the cartoonist used and explain what ideas are conveyed through each technique. 4. What is the message of the cartoon?

14 Each table will have a political cartoon (3 different ones).
Fill out worksheet answering same questions as above Develop a question with the question starter sheet for the rest of the class to answer.

15 Do you agree with the message of this cartoon?
Can we connect the message in this cartoon to any other foreign policies in history? (Either recently or going further back)

16 Cartoon Activity

17 Additional Cartoons for Class Discussion



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