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thermal thankful theory

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1 th th voiced (digraph) th unvoiced (digraph) the as in breathe(digraph)

2 thermal thankful theory
Word Lists R 1 2 3 4 5 6 thin think thong thing thick thrill thirsty thought threw thumb thigh bathtub toothache toothbrushtoothpaste thirst theatre therapy healthy thoughtful thousand thunder bathmat truthful teeth thermometer thimble thunderstorm authentic breathe bathe feather weather leather sun bathe thermal thankful theory sleuth thirteen thirty fourth myth bothersome withdraw theologian pathetic sympathy brotherly thyroid weatherman weatherproof empathy thumbtack amphitheatre anaesthesia authenticity thermodynamic thermite unclothe theorist thermionic thiazine thunderous

3 5 theologian thyroid pathetic thumbtack sympathetic weatherman sleuth
weatherproof empathy brotherly

4 6 thermodynamic amphitheatre unclothe anaesthesia theorist
authenticity thermionic thermodynamic thiazine thunderous thermite

5 Handwriting 12/8/15 th th th th th theologian weatherproof sleuth brotherly weatherman thyroid 1. My rain coat is _______. 2. The ____ said it would hail. 3. We all have a ____ gland.

6 Handwriting 12/8/15 th th th th th amphitheatre thunderous unclothe anaesthesia theorist thermite 1. The motorbike had a ____roar. . 2. For the operation I had____. 3. We saw races in the ______. .

7 a person who studies religious ideas
theologian say spell THEOLOGIAN a person who studies religious ideas th-e-o-l-o-gi-a-n = 8 the/o/lo/gian= 4 sounds syllables

8 pathetic pa/thet/ic= 3 PATHETIC p-a-th-e-t-i-c = 7 say spell sounds
weak, miserable, worthless p-a-th-e-t-i-c = 7  pa/thet/ic= 3 sounds syllables

9 sympathetic sym/pa/thet/ic= 4 SYMPATHETIC s-y-m-p-a-th-e-t-i-c = 10
say spell SYMPATHETIC being supportive and comforting s-y-m-p-a-th-e-t-i-c = 10  sym/pa/thet/ic= 4 sounds syllables

10 sleuth sleuth= 1 SLEUTH s-l-eu-th = 4 say spell sounds syllables
a detective s-l-eu-th = 4  sleuth= 1 sounds syllables

11 showing affection and concern
brotherly say spell BROTHERLY showing affection and concern b-r-o-th-er-l-y = 7  broth/er/ly= 3 sounds syllables

12 a gland in the neck that regulates growth
thyroid say spell THYROID a gland in the neck that regulates growth th-y-r-oi-d = 5  thy/roid = 2 sounds syllables

13 a man who broadcasts weather conditions
weatherman say spell WEATHERMAN a man who broadcasts weather conditions w-ea-th-er-m-a-n = 7  weath/er/man = 3 sounds syllables

14 weatherproof weath/er/proof = 3 w-ea-th-er-p-r-oo-f = 8 WEATHERPROOF
say spell WEATHERPROOF resistant to the effects of bad weather w-ea-th-er-p-r-oo-f = 8  weath/er/proof = 3 sounds syllables

15 to understand the feelings of others
empathy say spell EMPATHY to understand the feelings of others e-m-p-a-th-y = 6  em/pa/thy= 3 sounds syllables

16 thumbtack thumb/tack= 2 THUMBTACK th-u-mb-t-a-ck = 6 say spell sounds
a drawing pin th-u-mb-t-a-ck = 6  thumb/tack= 2 sounds syllables

17 amphitheatre AMPHITHEATRE a-m-ph-i-th-ea-t-re = 8 am/phi/the/a/tre= 5
say spell AMPHITHEATRE an open arena for the presentation of events a-m-ph-i-th-ea-t-re = 8 am/phi/the/a/tre= 5 sounds syllables

18 anaesthesia an/aes/the/sia = 4 ANAESTHESIA a-n-ae-s-th-e-s-i-a = 9 say
spell ANAESTHESIA insensitivity to pain after being given gas or injection a-n-ae-s-th-e-s-i-a = 9  an/aes/the/sia = 4 sounds syllables

19 authenticity AUTHENTICITY au/then/tic/i/ty = 5
say spell AUTHENTICITY determining if the document or item is an original au-th-e-n-t-i-c-i-t-y =10 au/then/tic/i/ty = 5 sounds Syllables

20 thermodynamic THERMODYNAMIC ther/mo/dy/nam/ic = 5
say spell THERMODYNAMIC science that deals with relations between heat and forms of energy th-er-m-o-d-y-n-a-m-i-c =11 ther/mo/dy/nam/ic = 5 Sounds syllables

21 a mixture of aluminium and iron oxide that is used for welding
thermite say spell THERMITE a mixture of aluminium and iron oxide that is used for welding th-er-m-i-te =5  ther/mite = 2 sounds syllables

22 unclothe un/clothe = 2 UNCLOTHE u-n-c-l-o-the =6 say spell sounds
to remove clothing u-n-c-l-o-the =6 un/clothe = 2 sounds syllables

23 a person who gives explanations for various phenomena
theorist say spell THEORIST a person who gives explanations for various phenomena th-e-or-i-s-t =6  the/o/rist = 3 sounds syllables

24 related to electrons created at high temperatures
thermionic say spell THERMIONIC related to electrons created at high temperatures th-er-m-i-o-n-i-c =8  therm/i/on/ic= 4 sounds syllables

25 thiazine thi/a/zine= 3 THIAZINE th-i-a-z-i-ne = 6 say spell sounds
dye which has molecules of one nitrogen, one sulphur and four carbon atoms th-i-a-z-i-ne = 6 thi/a/zine= 3 sounds syllables

26 sound resembling thunder
thunderous say spell THUNDEROUS sound resembling thunder th-u-n-d-er-ous=6  thun/der/ous = 3 sounds syllables

27 5 weak, miserable, worthless resistant to the effects of bad weather
a drawing pin a gland in the neck that regulates growth showing affection and concern being supportive and comforting a detective a man who broadcasts weather conditions to understand the feelings of others a person who studies religious ideas

28 6 dye which has molecules of nitrogen, sulphur and carbon
related to electrons created at high temperatures a person who gives explanations for phenomena insensitivity to pain after being given gas or injection determining if the document or item is an original science that deals with heat and energy a mixture of aluminium and iron oxide to remove clothing sound resembling thunder an open arena for the presentation of events

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