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Jigsaw presentation: Agriculture

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1 Jigsaw presentation: Agriculture
BY: Alex ,Brooke, Reha and Adam

2 Famous People Jethro Tull- Invented seed drill
Also invented a horse drawn cultivator Charles “turnip” Townshend- Townshend discovered by alternating different kind of of crops you could preserve the soil’s fertility (which was called crop rotation) Robert Ransome- Invented iron plow (which replaced wooden plow)

3 Advancements Seed drill- Horse drawn cultivator- Iron plow-
(drill made it possible for the seed to be planted in regular rows) Horse drawn cultivator- (to remove weeds and to break up soil between plants) Iron plow- Made in three parts which made it easier to replace one part instead of the whole plow

4 Key terms and definitions
Crop Rotation- Ex: planting grains one year then roots next year- planting different foods at different times but also kept the soil fertile This method is now the regular system for modern farming Enclosure Movement- Big piece of land what was sectioned off for individual farming use Factors of production- Resources that are a necessity for the industry (ex: land and labor)

5 Impact on Great Britain
We believe that the economy will grow based on the production of food with the new technological advances With factories arising, the employment rate is increasing due to the many jobs in factories in Britain

6 Impact on Other Countries
Britain made food that other countries didn’t make which made these other countries want to trade with Britain (there were a demand for British products)

7 Important Factors Food is being traded internationally
Food will help population grow not only in Britain but all over New farming technology is being invented which will make production go faster

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