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5 Planks of a Plan.

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1 5 Planks of a Plan

2 Agent Some level of the federal government responsible for carrying out the plan Cannot be state, local, nor international government Describing the duties of the agent depends on: Past record if they have a good record of handling similar matters, little detail is needed If they haven’t handled this situation before, you need to provide a detailed modification of the existing agency Does the agent currently exist If not, you can create a new agency How will members be selected? How will it be funded? What jurisdiction will it have?

3 Mandate Orders and the choices given to the agent to make change
Can be strict orders or a variety of options for various scenarios Set forth exactly what will happen

4 Example of AFF Mandate Congress will enact a comprehensive nationwide ban on the sale, import, and export of all semiautomatic weapons. The ban on automatic weapons will remain. Congress will pass legislation requiring a 45-day waiting period for the purchase of all rifles and long arms and a 30-day waiting period for the purchase of handguns and short arms. The Federal Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and firearms will keep on file the names and addresses of all gun owners, who will be required to register when they apply for a firearm. The Federal Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms will coordinate a federal drive offering amnesty and free, nonlethal alternatives to firearms to all gun owners who voluntarily comply with the new laws, turn in prohibited guns, and register the guns they own. Congress shall pass such laws and resolutions as are necessary to allow the above mandates to be put into effect.

5 Enforcement Aff. must prove an inherent problem in the status quo, enforcement is how that problem is solved Inherency problems Structural: then modify or abolish existing legal regulations or written procedures Attitudinal: then demonstrate how the plan will overcome the attitudes that prevent the status quo from solving the problem now If status quo is not sufficient to enforce the plan, then establish independent methods. Example of sufficient status quo: If plan is to legalize and regulate marijuana, the FDA can be in charge of overseeing because they do similar things for other items.

6 Funding Where is the money coming from to support the plan?
Can be specific or provide a list of options Taxes are very common “sin tax” is when specific items, like alcohol, tobacco, soda, etc., are taxed to curb public consumption Cutting other federal programs or funding and using saved money to finance the affirmative program

7 Spikes Provisions designed to negate an attack by the negative team
When preparing your case, list as many disadvantages as possible that the Neg. will come up with Provide provisions to eliminate these arguments Example Disadvantage: plan is likely to cause unemployment Spike: provide alternative employment or compensate the unemployed thereby eliminating the disadvantage If you present your spikes first, you will seem more prepared than if you let the Neg. bring them up.

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