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Multilateralism vs. Bilateralism

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Presentation on theme: "Multilateralism vs. Bilateralism"— Presentation transcript:

1 Multilateralism vs. Bilateralism
Group of 2-3 Create table showing pro/cons of multilateralism & of bilateralism Purpose is to decide which (multilateral or bilateral diplomacy) is most effective Support reasoning with real world examples as much as you are able Multilateralism vs. Bilateralism

2 Role of NGOs in Human Rights Policy

3 NGOs operate nationally or transnationally
Non-state actors have effect on global H.R. policy/ diplomacy (esp. NGOs) NGOs operate nationally or transnationally Many specific transnational HUMAN RIGHTS NGOs

4 Amnesty International (1961, London)- 150 countries, 2 million members
Human Rights Watch (1978, NYC) countries Minority Rights Group Int’l (1960s, London) International Federation for Human Rights (1922, HQ in France)- umbrella org. for HR NGOs Many TNGOs that focus on other areas do include HR in mission (like DRs w/o Borders) Transnational HRNGOs

5 HRNGO Advocacy Resources: info + energy of people
“Name + shame” strategy  embarrass offending gov’ts; mobilize citizens to pressure their gov’ts to act Ex: Amnesty Int’l Nederland membership is ~1.8% of country’s population  powerful voice HRNGO Advocacy

6 We say non-governmental, BUT implementing/ enforcing H. R
We say non-governmental, BUT implementing/ enforcing H.R. is state responsibility- so, NGOs have to act on/ through states Try to coordinate between levels/ orgs – other states/ multilateral actors to help w/ supporting pressure NGOs & States

7 Sometimes NGOs are largely ineffective expressions of good intentions (Poverty, Inc.?)
Political, financial accountability? Role of states? How to define/ expand power of public opinion? No other interests to distract them from advocacy (& maybe help check states’ tendency to let national interests mute HR concerns) Accuracy/ impartiality- good resource Help spread awareness of norms, mobilize force of opinion NGO Advocacy

8 Return to group & pro/con table
Add NGOs (make new table if needed) Bottom of table, or sep sheet, respond to prompt- If forced to choose (even though the world does not work like this. Imagine.), which do you think is the most effective strategy for the monitoring and implementation of a global human rights regime? [Pick 1 and support your response]

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