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. Massachusetts Our Home . By . Jocelyne C. . April 5, 2017

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1 . Massachusetts Our Home . By . Jocelyne C. . April 5, 2017

2 Finding Massachusetts
Massachusetts is located in the Northeast of the United States of America.

3 Finding Dalton Dalton is in the Northwestern part of Massachusets.

4 Mt. Greylock Mt.Greylock is located in North Adams,Lanesborough Cheshire,Williamstown and New Ashford. Mt.Greylock is the highest piont in Massachusets. The War Memorial Tower was dedicated in June 1933 as a tribute of courage.

5 Natural Bridge State Park
Natural Bridge Sate Park is located at The Face of Hosac Mountain North Adams. Natural Bridge State Park is the only Man – made white marble dam in North America. Natural Bridge with the depostion of lime mud and ooze.

6 The Quabbin Reservior It used to be 4 towns.It had to be flouded because Boston needed fresh water.

7 Problems The Pilgrims Faced
They were already weaked by the ride ,most died.

8 The First Thanksgiving
It was a day of celebrating a great friendship.

9 Web Sites Used
mt-greylock-state-reservation-generic.html pilgrims colonies/785.html

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