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City States, Civilizations, and Empires

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1 City States, Civilizations, and Empires

2 City-State City-State-Independent state made up of a city and its surrounding areas. EX.) Sparta

3 City-State Characteristics
Made up of a single city and surrounding lands. City is independent from any other ruler. Has its own currency. Military is present, some stronger than others.

4 Sparta and Other Greek City States

5 Civilizations Civilization: Complex society that has organized government, art, religion, class system, and writing system. EX.) Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia

6 Civilization Characteristics: Stable food supply
Advanced technology (ex. in agriculture—creation of tools) Religion Stressing of education Specialized workers Own written language

7 Civilizations Ancient Egypt Ancient Mesopotamia

8 Empire Empire-Group of territories or nations under a single ruler or government. EX.) Roman Empire

9 Empire Characteristics:
Looks over multiple cultures, peoples, and lands. Extends over a sizable territory. Able to rule over the citizens and is able to exercise its control in the territory. Strong both militarily and government Constantly fighting to expand and spread its influence.

10 Roman Empire

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