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Tender Cum Auction –Process Flow
Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
Tender Creation /Publishing:- ‘Tender Creator/Procurement officer Admin’ will create tender online by filling up-Basic Details, Cover Details, Fee Details, Critical Dates, Bid Openers Selection and upload documents like NIT/ Tender/ Price Bid. Mandatory to select Form of Contract as ‘Tender cum Auction’ in the Basic Details page. Price Bid template Selection : Reverse Auction (eRA): eRA to be conducted On Total Value / Overall Value Basis then use ‘Item-Rate BOQ’ eRAto be conducted Itemwise / lot-wise then use ‘Item-Wise BOQ’ eRA can also be conducted on Percentage Rate BoQ as like Item-Rate BoQ , in this case Reverse Auction will be conducted on the Overall Value corresponding to the % rate quoted. eRA can also be conducted on Multicurrency BoQ but Auction will be conducted INR only. Note: Item-Wise BoQ can also be used to conduct eRA for the values received from other sheets. It acts as like Mixed Template. Forward Auction(e-FA): e-FA to be conducted On Total Value / Overall Value Basis then use ‘Item-Rate Open for H1 BOQ’ (i.e In Item-Rate, if CST Type is set as ‘H’, then it will acts Open for H1’) e-FA to be conducted Itemwise / lot-wise then use ‘ Item-Wise Open for H1’ Important Note for eRA and e-FA :- In Item Rate BoQ, the value in BA Cell as well as BB Cell should be set as same. In Item-Wise BoQ, BoQ summary should be set as ‘No’ [For this, Goto Prepare/Properties/Document/Advance/Custom/ShowSummary as No]. Auction will be conducted on BB value only. Item-Wise Evaluation is to be enabled while creating the tender. Auction (eRA / e-FA) can also be conducted in decimal value but starting price should be always whole number. After successful creation of tender with above mentioned requirements, the same will be published by Publisher.
Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
Bid Submission by Vendors:- Bidder will prepare their bid documents for each packet as per the tender requirements and digitally sign upload online. Bidder will receive acknowledgment for the same. Technical Bid Opening :- Bids will be decrypted and opened by designated bid openers at designated date and time. Bid documents will be forwarded to the Technical Evaluation Committee (TEC) for further evaluation. Technical Bid Evaluation:- Technical evaluation committee will evaluate bids offline and get recommendations of committee approved from the competent authority. The procuring entity (with Evaluator role) will digitally sign and upload the committee recommendations. In addition, will specify the date and time for price bid opening.
Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
Financial Bid Opening [ (a) Financial bid decryption (b) Auction Creation/ Publishing (c) Conducting of Live Auction (d) Conclude/Freeze Auction ]:- (a) Financial bid decryption Bids will be decrypted by designated bid openers at designated date and time. After decryption, the Financial Bid will be Auto-Opened and would display only L1 ( or H1 ) price. Names of the Bidders will not be disclosed. After opening of price bids, Reverse (or Forward) Auction would be enabled Automatically for this tender. Now, the tender will be available in the ‘Tender cum Auction’ option Under ‘Auction Management Tab’. The L1 price would normally be used as Auction Start Price (can be changed by procuring entity, if required). b. Creation & Publishing of Auction under ‘Tender Cum Auction’:- The procuring entity(creator role) must fill the basic details like Starting Price, Increment/ Decrement, Max Seal%, Elapse Time in Minutes, Auto Extension Time in Minutes , Auction Start Date&Time, Auction End Date &Time in Auction creation. Note: In case of Auction is to be held on Lot wise, Multilot Auction Template is to be used as shown in the next section.
Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
Procedure for creation of Multi-lot Template:- Download Multilot Auction Template available during Auction Creation page under ‘Tender Cum Auction’ and Fill the required fields in the Template. Before filling required fields in the Template, Date and Time Setting of Local System should be: Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
Procedure for creation of Multi-lot Template:- Open Multilot Auction Template and fill relevant information as shown below and upload multilot sheet. 2. Lot wise Decremental value 1. Lot wise Auction Start Price 3. Lot wise Auction Start Date/Time End Date/Time **After successful creation of Auction (including uploading of Multilot template, if required) and Publish Auction
Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
c. Live Auction:- Participation in Live Auction by Bidder Bidders ,who have Techno-Commercially qualified can enter live auction hall as soon as the auction time is started and can participate in the qualified auction/lot. The participating bidders get an opportunity to change their prices in the Auction. It allows bidders multiple opportunities to revise their offer/price. Bidder will be allowed to submit quote/rate as per auction criteria like Forward / Reverse Auction, Incremental/Decremental Value, Max Seal%. If a bidder successfully quotes within 5 minutes (say) before the close of the auction, the closing time will be increased by 10/15 minutes (as per configuration) for other bidders to respond. Once the auction closing time is attained/reached, system will not allow any bidding. During Auction, the identity of the bidders are not disclosed to other bidders.
Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
c. View Live Auction by Procuring Entity:- The procuring entity can monitor the online auction on the scheduled date/time through ‘view online auction’ option. Corrigendum available during auction:- S. N. Corrigendum Type Corrigendum Description 1 Auction Critical Dates To change Auction End Date/Time before Auction Start Date / Time 2 MultiLot To change Multilot Template before Auction Start Date / Time 3 Postpone Auction Postpone Auction of any Lot, to be done before Auction Start Date / Time (Only for Multilot) 4 Extend Auction Extend any Lot’s Auction End Date/Time after Live Auction Started 5 Suspend Auction Suspend Auction between Auction Start Date/Time & Auction End Date/ Time 6 Resume Auction Suspended Auction activated for Live Auction Participation 7 Re-Open If no Bidder has participated for a particular Lot , then Auction can be re-opened , after Auction End Date/Time only (For Multi Lot )
Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
d. Freeze Auction by Procuring Entity :- Once the Live auction is over, System will generate BoQ comparative chart showing the Names and Rates of Bidders quoted in the tender as well as (L1/H1)Rates quoted by them in the Auction . Over all bid ranking of each bidder will be generated by system based on either Auction price or financial bid price. The chronologically last bid submitted by the bidder till the end of the auction shall be considered as the valid price bid of that bidder In order to conclude Tender Cum Auction process and move towards financial evaluation, procuring entity has to click on ‘Freeze Auction option’.
Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
Financial Evaluation:- The price quoted in the price bid would normally be considered as the valid offer of that bidder, If bidder does not participate in the Reverse/Forward Auction. The status of the bidder (L1, L2 etc.) shall be evaluated considering either the bid price submitted in Reverse auction or the Price quoted in the price bid, whichever is Lower (Higher, in case of Forward Auction) Only. Over all bid ranking of each bidder will be generated by system based on either Auction price or financial bid price. Financial evaluation report is to be uploaded in the system. Award of Contract:- Award of contract detail is to be uploaded in the system. The sample Financial Evaluation and Award of Contract is provided in the next session.
Example of Financial Evaluation :- In a Single Lot -Reverse Auction, 9 bidders have techno-
commercially qualified in the tender, out of which only 4 bidders have participated in the Reverse Auction. Name of Bidder Price Quoted in Price Bid (Rs) Status before Reverse Auction Price after completing of Reverse Auction (Rs) Status after Reverse Auction Remarks M/s Khandelwal Earth Movers /- L-4 /- L-1 After completing of Reverse Auction, L-1 Price arrived as 7,12,00,000/- and name of L1 Bidder – M/s Khandelwal Earth Movers, Nagpur M/s Khanduja Coal Transport Co. /- L-9 Not Participated M/s Chandra Transport JV. /- L-7 /- L-2 M/s ITC & DTC Joint Venture /- L-8 /- Punjab Transport Co. ( A unit of Bhasin Industries Ltd.) /- L-5 Avneesh Logistics Pvt. Ltd. /- L-6 M/s Sidhi Vinayak Transport Corporation /- M/s Darcl Logistics Limited /- M/s KSR Freight Carriers /- L-3 /-
Tender cum Auction - Process Flow
Example of Award of Contract:-
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