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Physics A First Course Vibrations, Waves, and Sound Chapter 20.

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1 Physics A First Course Vibrations, Waves, and Sound Chapter 20

2 Vibrations, Waves, and Sound Waves
20.2 The Motion of Waves 20.3 Wave Interference and Energy

3 20A Investigation: Waves
Key Question: What are the properties of waves? *Students read text section 20.1 AFTER Investigation 20A

4 20A Investigation Topics
Make a wave pulse. Observe different types of waves. Create wave patterns. Measure wave frequency and period. Sketch waves.

5 Chapter 20.1 Objectives and Vocabulary
Describe transverse and longitudinal waves. Learn the properties of waves. Calculate the speed of a wave. Identify the fundamental and harmonics of a standing wave. wave transverse longitudinal crest trough wavelength standing wave fundamental harmonics

6 Recognizing Waves light water radio TV cell phone




10 Chapter 20.2 Objectives and Vocabulary
propagate plane wave wave fronts circular wave boundaries reflection refraction diffraction absorption Learn how waves propagate. Demonstrate the four wave interractions.





15 20B Investigation: Resonance and Standing Waves
Key Question: How do we make and control waves? *Students read text section 20.3 AFTER Investigation 20B

16 20B Investigation Topics
Experiment with standing waves on a string. Measure frequency and wavelength. Identify the relationship between frequency and wavelength. Determine how frequency and energy are related.

17 Chapter 20.3 Objectives and Vocabulary
Describe the superposition principle, constructive and destructive wave interference. Review natural frequency and resonance. Learn about the relationship between wave energy and its properties. interference superposition principle wave pulse constructive interference destructive interference




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