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Rheological changes in human red blood cells under oxidative stress: effects of thiol- containing antioxidants  Iwona Cicha, Norihiko Tateishi, Yoji Suzuki,

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Presentation on theme: "Rheological changes in human red blood cells under oxidative stress: effects of thiol- containing antioxidants  Iwona Cicha, Norihiko Tateishi, Yoji Suzuki,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rheological changes in human red blood cells under oxidative stress: effects of thiol- containing antioxidants  Iwona Cicha, Norihiko Tateishi, Yoji Suzuki, Nobuji Maeda  Pathophysiology  Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages (July 1999) DOI: /S (99)

2 Fig. 1 The effect of thiol compounds on the content of spectrin monomers in diamide-treated RBCs. (A) Densitometric SDS–PAGE patterns of membrane proteins under non-reducing conditions; the figure shows the diamide-induced decrease in the intensity of spectrin bands, which was prevented by NAC and DTT. (B) Quantified results; data expressed as percent of normal (unmodified) spectrin. The mean value of spectrin:band 3 area ratio in control RBC was taken as 100%. The values represented by bars are means±S.D. (n=3). *P<0.001, **P<0.01, ***P<0.05 versus diamide-treated cells; ns, not significant. Pathophysiology 1999 6, DOI: ( /S (99) )

3 Fig. 2 Effects of NAC and DTT on the rheological properties of diamide-treated RBCs. (a) Deformability, expressed as deformation index at shear stress of 252 dyn/cm2 (n=50); (b) rouleaux formation rate (n=3). The values represented by bars are means±S.D. *P<0.001, **P<0.01 versus diamide-treated cells. Pathophysiology 1999 6, DOI: ( /S (99) )

4 Fig. 3 Effects of NAC and DTT on the protein content of Fe2+/ascorbate-treated RBCs. (A) Densitometric SDS–PAGE patterns of membrane proteins under reducing conditions. The positions of bands are as indicated; N, new band of 60 kDa; n, new band of 35 kDa. (B) Quantified results: (a) band 3; (b) new band. Band 3 and new band expressed as the percentage of total protein content. The values represented by bars are means±S.D. (n=6). *P<0.001, **P<0.01, ***P<0.05 versus Fe-treated cells; ns, not significant. Pathophysiology 1999 6, DOI: ( /S (99) )

5 Fig. 4 Effects of NAC and DTT on the rheological properties of Fe2+/ascorbate-treated RBCs. (a) Deformability expressed as deformation index at shear stress of 252 dyn/cm2 (n=50); (b) rouleaux formation rate (n=3). The values represented by bars are means±S.D. *P<0.001, **P<0.01 versus Fe-treated cells; ns, not significant. Pathophysiology 1999 6, DOI: ( /S (99) )

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