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Mr. McBain’s Classroom Expectations

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1 Mr. McBain’s Classroom Expectations
ENG 1DI Semester II

2 Welcome to Grade 9 Academic English! This course will
Welcome to Our Class! Welcome to Grade 9 Academic English! This course will build upon and continue to develop the skills that you developed last year in Grade 8 English We use reading, writing, oral communication and media

3 Welcome to Room1754! Let’s be sure that this is a positive working environment, a place where you can feel comfortable and confident while you are learning.

4 Here are a few key things to keep in mind and that will ensure that you are successful here in 1754

5 Attendance Be present and on time to every class.
Should you be absent, see me for any work that you missed or any handouts the next day. It is your responsibility to catch up on the rest of the class. Should you miss a test or an assignment you will complete it or should submit it the next day

6 Due Dates Assignments and presentations? Get them in ON TIME!
Keep track of when assignments are due. Due dates change only when McBain says so!

7 Late Assignments If you do miss a due date:

8 Late Assignments If work is still not submitted on the established date or if you do not follow through with PASS/Student Success you will be referred to your Vice Principal and next steps may include but are not limited to: student referral to in-school intervention support (School Success Team, Special Education LAC, Guidance etc.); a negotiated extension that meets teacher mark reporting deadlines; and/or an alternative opportunity for the student to demonstrate the same critical elements, or an “incomplete” (I) will be entered for this evaluation. The use of “I” indicates that work has not been submitted. When determining a final grade the teacher’s use of professional judgement based on interventions and data collected determine whether or not the student has demonstrated the required critical elements at another point in the course

9 Plagiarism This is a NO-NO
Plagiarism means using someone else’s ideas or stuff as your own This is a NO-NO

10 Plagiarism Consequences: MEET WITH TEACHER MEET WITH VP
DO NEW ASSIGNMENT COULD GET ACADEMIC SUSPENSION Unsure if you are plagiarizing? Just ask me!

11 Classroom Maintenance
Respect the classroom Garbage and graffiti will not be tolerated DRINKS ONLY (WATER) Use blue bins (cans, plastic bottles etc.) and grey bins (paper).

12 Electronic Devices Smartphones are actually dumbphones if you let them distract you Only use with teacher permission (picture of notes, web search)

13 Electronic Devices Personal electronic devices (laptops, netbooks, tablets) are permitted in class as long as they are being used appropriately. May use music players during individual study and independent work.

14 Textbooks and Classroom Materials
Bring your binders, writing utensils, books, etc on a daily basis Make sure you eat during lunch

15 Class Discussions Teacher will call on you whether your hand is up or not. DO NOT YELL OUT! NO HUNTING! Constructive dialogue is always welcome; hunting others to cut them down is not permitted.

16 Extra Help JUST ASK McBain is available before school, most lunch hours and after school.

17 Mrs. McBain’s Website

18 Units of Study Short Stories
Sci-fi and Fantasy: The Hobbit and The Hunger Games A Midsummer Knight’s Dream Prose (paragraphs and essays) Exam Review

19 Always remember... This classroom is a team environment and in order to assure success, we must all work together. “Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.” - Henry Ford

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