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To figure out the meanings of words you don't know, use context clues

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Presentation on theme: "To figure out the meanings of words you don't know, use context clues"— Presentation transcript:

1 To figure out the meanings of words you don't know, use context clues
To figure out the meanings of words you don't know, use context clues! What are context clues?

2 Use context clues to infer the meaning of the word in bold:
Aunt Alice tended to use euphemistic expressions, like “powder room” instead of “bathroom.”

3 Use context clues to infer the meaning of the word in bold:
Jack's hilarious anecdote about his Uncle Dave was our favorite of all of his stories.

4 Use context clues to infer the meaning of the word in bold:
The queen hired a royal taster to make sure her food was free of toxins like snake venom, cyanide, and arsenic.

5 Use context clues to infer the meaning of the word in bold:
The peasant showed deference toward the visiting duchess, bowing low and addressing her as “my lady.”

6 Simile and Metaphor video!

7 Figurative Language: Read the sentence and write down the part that is figurative language (like similes, metaphors, and personification). 1. “Grandmother came with fruit and my uncles clumped around and around my bed, snorting like wild horses.”

8 Figurative Language: Read the sentence and write down the part that is figurative language (like similes, metaphors, and personification). 2. “Just my breath, carrying my words out, might poison people and they’d curl up and die like the black fat slugs that only pretended.”

9 Figurative Language: Read the sentence and write down the part that is figurative language (like similes, metaphors, and personification). 3. “I walked into the room where people were laughing, their voices hitting the walls like stones. . .”

10 Figurative Language: Read the sentence and write down the part that is figurative language (like similes, metaphors, and personification). 4. “The giggles hung in the air like melting clouds that were waiting to rain on me.”

11 Which of the following is not figurative language?
A). Life is like a dream. B.) Life is short. C.) Life slapped me up the side of the face. D.) Life is a dream.

12 Which of the following is not figurative language?
A.) The cloud angrily threw everything they. B.) The raindrops were bullets. C.) The rain soaked our clothes. D.) The rain sounded like bullets.

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