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The Executive Branch: President of the United States

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1 The Executive Branch: President of the United States

2 Benchmark: SS.7.C.3.8: Analyze the structure, functions, and processes of the legislative, executives, and judicial branches.

3 What is the executive branch and what does it do?
Attn: teachers this PowerPoint with lessons and other resources available for Teachers Pay Teachers: Mr. Raymond’s Civics EOC Academy

4 What is the executive branch and what does it do?
When I take office I promise that I will “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.” and “faithfully execute” the laws That’s why we are called the “Executive” branch. Congress makes laws and we enforce or execute them.

5 What is the executive branch?

6 Who is in the executive branch?
More than 4 million people work for the executive branch!!

7 Who is in the executive branch? The Vice President
I wish I had your job!! VP: Head of the Senate with tiebreaker vote.

8 Cabinet – top advisors to the President
Advise the president on 15 executive departments

9 Cabinet: advisors - not in the Constitution
Started by George Washington

10 Cabinet – top advisors to the President
More than 4 million people work for the executive branch!!

11 Hundreds of agencies and departments
Below the President, VP & Cabinet are hundreds of Executive Departments & Agencies Hundreds of agencies and departments


13 What does the Constitution say about the Executive Branch & the President?

14 State of the Union – annual speech to Congress every January

15 Presidential Power – Veto or Sign Legislation
Veto means to reject a bill of Congress. This is the executives major check on the legislature

16 Presidential Power – Commander-in-Chief
President is the head of the military

17 Presidential Power – Make Treaties with other Countries
Must be confirmed by the Senate!!!

18 Presidential Power – Appoint Supreme Court Justices & Federal Judges
Must be confirmed by the Senate!!!

19 Must be confirmed by the Senate!!!
Presidential Power – Nominates heads of Executive Departments /Agencies Obama nominates James Comey as head of the FBI Must be confirmed by the Senate!!!

20 Presidential Power – Grant Pardons
Power to forgive someone from punishment

21 What does the Constitution say about the Executive Branch & the President?

22 Executive Orders – have the power of laws

23 Chief of State – ceremonial leader

24 Chief Executive – President is the “boss” of the Executive Branch responsible for executing the law

25 Chief Diplomat – in charge of “foreign policy” (treaties, relationships)

26 Chief Legislator – signs & suggests laws

27 Chief of the Party – is the leader for either the Democratic or Republican party

28 Chief Economist – writes the budget and helps economy

29 Commander-in-Chief – President doesn’t declare war?!

30 War Powers Act of 1973 – President can only military force for 90 days without Congressional approval

31 War Powers Act of 1973 –


33 But first… Let’s Review
Up Next: the Electoral College & Running for President But first… Let’s Review

34 What is a requirement to be the President?
35 years old, resident 14 years, “natural born” citizen

35 What is the job of the executive branch?
To “enforce” or “execute” the law

36 What power is involved when the President chooses a new Supreme Court Justice?

37 What power would be used to lets someone out of jail?

38 What power does the President have to try to get rid of laws they don’t like?

39 True or false: the description of the Cabinet can be found in the Constitution?

40 What role of the President makes them the head of the military?

41 Powers listed in the Constitution for the President are known as?
Expressed Powers

42 What role of the President is “ceremonial”?
Chief of State

43 What is it called when the President signs an agreement with another country?

44 Treaties and Presidential appointments must be confirmed by whom?
The Senate

45 True or False: the President can declare war on another country?

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