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Ubik Writing Plan and Examples

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Presentation on theme: "Ubik Writing Plan and Examples"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ubik Writing Plan and Examples
Course Overview

2 Course Overview Decipher rhetorical strategies and patterns
Make inferences from details Analyze how an author’s choices contribute to its overall structure and meaning as well as its aesthetic impact Draw on prior knowledge to construct interpretations Use the text to reflect on the human condition or the reader’s life Collect evidence for interpretations Present the interpretation and evidence in a literary argument May require more than one slide

3 Identify new vocabulary
Objectives Identify new vocabulary Collect information about the meanings of words Assessment tool Reading comprehension Take notes in the reading logs Explain plot and character Analyze the themes

4 Plot Summary Examples


6 DYA: define your acronyms!
May require more than one slide


8 Ubik Part II Examples What patterns in the author’s Words and phrases caught your attention? Here you should list the words and phrases you noticed, along with page numbers.





13 Part 3 Why might the author have chosen to use words/phrases in that way? How does the author’s word choice impact your interpretation of the novel? Think about at least one of these categories: Character development; Connection to plot or setting; Key concepts or themes; rhetorical strategies/literary devices




17 College and Career Readiness

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