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Youtube Shakespeare brief and naughty

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2 Youtube Shakespeare brief and naughty
Teg1Os&feature=iv&annotation_id=annotation_ &v=9oPe7tG0vYs Youtube Macbeth Act 1 Sc 1 – 1971, 2006, 2 2010. &feature=related Macbeth in 96 seconds

3 Macbeth – Intro notes Macbeth That Scottish Play ( )- the four great tragedies written, Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and finally Macbeth. Each with a protagonist of great status with a fatal flaw – a human figure with a human failing/character weakness Lady Macbeth – an amazingly strong, shocking and interesting female role for the time period and a coveted role by talented actors, seen as a test and pinnacle of achievement.

4 Overview of the Era- Religion
Henry VIII divorced Catherine of Aragon in 1533. He was excommunicated by the Catholic Church in 1534 Henry became, “Supreme Head of the Church of England” in 1534. Roman Catholic Church – clergy and followers who stayed loyal to Rome and Puritans who wanted further reform under attack in England. Catholics persecuted until 1553 when Henry’s son Edward died, and then half sister Mary took the throne. She was a Catholic, “Bloody Mary” then persecuted Protestants. Elizabeth restored Protestantism when she took the throne in 1558 after Mary’s death.

5 Developments in Science, Astronomy and exploration – Sir Francis Drake, Francis Bacon, Galileo
The Great Chain of Being and the Divine Right of Kings Superstitions – Zodiac, Four Elements, Wheel of Fortune V Humanism – belief that man controlled his fate. 11th Century Scotland – Clans, Kingship, Council judged by strength and capability 16th Century – Hereditary lineage,

6 Shakespeare’s England
Shakespeare wrote most of his work in the Elizabethan era ie. When Elizabeth I ruled England Time of Renaissance – s Shakespeare a dramatist not historian, he used history but changed it Much of his work not set in Elizabethan England but it is the values, attitudes and beliefs of this era which are represented in the texts. Thought Shakespeare only had an elementary education and did not travel outside of England. This is apparent in his settings and description of customs which were not always accurate For ex. Romeo and Juliet, set in Italy but trees described are English and English wedding customs described

7 Act One Sc 1 – very short to awaken curiosity
Appearance of the supernatural and that they will meet with Macbeth-foreshadows the impact of the supernatural world on our protagonist Sc 2 – We learn Macbeth and Banquo save the battle for Scotland against King Sweno of Norway. Treachery of Thane of Cawdor – he to be killed and Macbeth to gain his title Sc 3 – Witches appear to Macbeth and Banquo- we hear their prophecy – audience already witnessed their wickedness, know Macbeth to receive Cawdor’s title, see their differing reactions and Macbeth, Macbeth clearly wants greatness but decides to leave it to chance.

8 Sc 4 – Duncan – “There’s no art, To find the mind’s construction in the face. He was a gentleman on whom I built, An absolute trust.” on Cawdor but foreshadows Macbeth. “Fair is foul and foul is Fair. Duncan names son Malcolm as heir. Macbeth realises a hurdle which he must overleap Sc 5 – See relationship of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth – she is equally or even more ambitious, knows Macbeth’s weaknesses and she takes control. Sc 6 – Duncan and followers arrive and admire the beauty of Macbeth’s castle and hospitality – seems fair! Sc 7 – Feast at Macbeth’s. Macbeth has second thoughts, Lady Macbeth - be a man!

9 Act 2 Sc 1- Macbeth’s castle – Banquo uneasy, we learn Duncan has given generous presents, inc. diamond for Lady Macbeth, Macbeth claims to think not of the Weird Sisters but agrees to have another conversation with Banquo about them. “Is this a dagger which I see before me?” Goes to murder Duncan. Sc 2 – Macbeth enters with the bloody daggers, cannot return and Lady M puts them back with grooms who will be blamed. Macbeth, regrets, sleep references, guilt, nature. Wishes he could wake Duncan.

10 Sc 3 – Porter – humour Thanes come to collect Duncan, report unruly night and Macduff finds slayed King. Grooms suspected, Macbeth admits to killing grooms due to rage and revenge Malcolm (England) and Donaldbain (Ireland) flee to safety

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