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Theory Nothing “right” or “wrong” about different theories

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Presentation on theme: "Theory Nothing “right” or “wrong” about different theories"— Presentation transcript:

1 Theory Nothing “right” or “wrong” about different theories
Ways of looking at the world Ways of reinterpreting the human experience Lenses through which to view cultural artifacts Theories borrow from each other Rarely does a scholar use only one theory

2 Postcolonialism Main Concern Approaches
Study of cultures formerly (or currently) colonized Power struggle between cultures Intersection of cultures Approaches Study of colonizing process Study of colonization fallout Study of new colonizing efforts

3 Key Concepts in Postcolonialism
Appropriation take (something) for one's own use, typically without the owner's permission. The process by which the language is made to “bear the burden” of one’s own cultural experience … Language is adopted as a tool and utilized to express widely differing cultural experiences. (38-39) Cultural colonization subjugation of colonized culture in all respects imposition of colonizer’s culture on colonized

4 Key Concepts in Postcolonialism
Othering: the assumption that those who are different from oneself are inferior Demonic Other: view that those who are different from oneself are not only backward but also savage, even evil Exoticized Other/exoticizing: view that those who are different from oneself possess an inherent dignity and beauty, perhaps because of their more undeveloped, natural state of being. Seen as object of desire, something to possess

5 Key Concepts in Postcolonialism
Double vision/double consciousness: sense of being part of both colonized and colonizing cultures Eurocentrism: view that European (including American) ideals and experiences are the standard Hybridity: quality of cultures that have characteristics of both the colonizers and the colonized. Colonizer anxiety/Colonized power

6 Key Concepts in Postcolonialism
Mimicry: imitation of the dress, manners, and language of the dominant culture by the oppressed Unhomeliness: the sense of being culturally displaced, of being caught between two cultures and not “at home” in either.

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