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Introduction to Matter

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1 Introduction to Matter
Table of Contents Describing Matter States of Matter Changes of State

2 Describing Matter Properties of Matter
Complete the Venn diagram with the properties of water from a glacier and from a geyser. P. 259

3 Describing Matter Atoms and Molecules
Molecules are made up of groups of atoms. How many atoms are in each of these molecules? P. 261

4 Describing Matter Compounds From Elements
What are the properties of copper, sulfur, and copper sulfide? P. 262

5 Describing Matter Assess Your Understanding 1a. What is a substance? _____________________________________________ b. c. Now I know that matter is made of _______________.

6 States of Matter Solid The particles that make up a solid are packed very closely together. p. 265

7 States of Matter Types of Solids
Use the Venn diagram to compare the characteristics of amorphous and crystalline solids.p. 266

8 Describing Matter Assess Your Understanding 1a. The two types of solids are... b. c. Now I know that a solid has a definite shape and volume because….

9 States of Matter Liquid
Liquid takes the shape of its container, but its volume does not change. p. 267

10 Describing Matter Assess Your Understanding 2a. A substance that flows is called a _____________________________________________ b. Why is a liquid able to flow? c. Now I know that a liquid has a definite volume but not shape because _______________.

11 States of Matter Gas A gas takes the shape and volume of its container. P.269

12 States of Matter Temperature of a Gas
Why do hot gas particles move faster than cold gas particles? P. 271

13 Describing Matter Assess Your Understanding 3a. Pressure affects the gas particles by _____________________________________________ b. c. Now I know that a gas has a neither a definite volume or shape because _______________.

14 Changes of State Thermal Energy
The two pots of hot water shown are both at 99ºC, but one of them has about twice as much thermal energy as the other. Why does the larger pot have more thermal energy? P. 273

15 Describing Matter Assess Your Understanding 1a. What determines an object’s temperature? _____________________________________________ b. Now I know that when heat is added to a substance, the substance…..

16 Changes of State Melting
Which circle of molecules represents water, and which represents ice? P.275

17 Describing Matter Assess Your Understanding 2a. The change in state from a solid to a liquid is called? ___________________ b. Now I know that melting occurs when the particles in a solid…..

18 Changes of State Types of Vaporization
Liquid water changes to water vapor by either evaporation or boiling. What are the types of vaporization occurring in each flask? p.277

19 Changes of State The Changing States of Water p.281

20 Describing Matter Assess Your Understanding 3a. What is dry ice? _____________________________________________ b. c. Now I know that vaporization and sublimation occur when the particles in a liquid or solid…..

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