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Dear Substitute This slide is for your information only, please start the ppt on the next slide for the kids The first thing the students do when they.

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Presentation on theme: "Dear Substitute This slide is for your information only, please start the ppt on the next slide for the kids The first thing the students do when they."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dear Substitute This slide is for your information only, please start the ppt on the next slide for the kids The first thing the students do when they enter the room is write down the homework (see next slide) in stone-silence. After about 20 to 30 seconds of silence I tell the students “Please begin the warm up.” Please go through the ppt with the students. Students will have to write items in blue as notes in their Science Notebooks. Please give appropriate time for any discussion items noted in the ppt. A timer is on the long table at the very front of the room for timing. Please restart this ppt for the next substitute coming in so that they will see this slide first and know what to do. Now, kindly advance to the next slide to start the ppt for the children. Thank you 

2 Goal for Today SWBAT demonstrate the ability to recognize how stars are groups together by discussing and differentiating between galaxies and constellations.

3 But first…. ….a quick peak at some events ahead:
Today: Galaxies, Constellations, and the Universe Tomorrow (Tuesday): Rocket launch (postponed form last Friday) Wednesday: Dragon Boat Festival (no school) Thursday: Chapters Review Friday: Chapters Review

4 Write down all BLUE text as notes in your Science Notebook…
Date: Monday, June 10, 2013 Title: “Galaxies, Constellations, and The Universe” Remember: you are almost in 6th Grade…please write down the notes in a way that makes sense to you. YES! Please do summarize!!!!!!

5 A huge system of stars, dust, and gases held together by gravity
Galaxy A huge system of stars, dust, and gases held together by gravity

6 Galaxy – huge system of stars, dust and gas held together by gravity
We are a part of the Milky Way Galaxy Galaxies are constantly moving Types of galaxies: spiral, elliptical, and irregular Spiral galaxy – look like pinwheels; they have bright, bulging middles and wispy arms that fan out from the center ¾ of the galaxies discovered have been spiral galaxies Milky Way Galaxy is considered a spiral galaxy Diameter about 100,000 light years 2,000 light years thick, 6,000 light years in the center bulge

7 Elliptical galaxies – almost round or more oval
Largest galaxies we know of are elliptical Irregular galaxies – have no real shape; probably young galaxies where stars are still forming

8 Milky Way over Canada Milky Way Galaxy Milky Way over Death Valley

9 Milky Way is thought to be a spiral galaxy, similar to this one, known as M100
Disk shaped, with curving dusty arms

10 Take 30 seconds to discuss in table groups….
“Why is the Milky Way thought to be a spiral galaxy? No one has ever actually seen the Milky Way as a whole – why not?” ANSWERS: Answers will vary…never seen as a whole because WE ARE IN IT!! Thought to be a spiral galaxy because from our perspective looking out we see things similar to a center bulge on one side and “arms” on the other.

11 Side View of Milky Way Galaxy (Artist’s Conception)

12 Also called the Sombrero Galaxy
Messier 104 Also called the Sombrero Galaxy NGC 4565 Also called the Needle Galaxy

13 Elliptical Galaxy is elliptical, and has a featureless brightness

14 Irregular Galaxies have uncommon shapes
NGC 1427A

15 A group of stars that forms a pattern
Constellations A group of stars that forms a pattern

16 Constellation – a group of stars that forms a pattern
Provided a way to divide the sky into sections Constellation is kind of like a star’s address; helped you know where in the sky to look for a star Depending on your location on earth, you will see different constellations (Northern and Southern hemisphere)

17 Things in the universe are constantly moving in different directions and speeds
Because the Earth rotates, stars will seem to move throughout the night. Not the stars moving but Earth. Different perspective Because the earth rotates around the sun, different constellations will be visible at different times of the year Ursa Major, with the big dipper, is visible year-round Canis Major only visible in the winter.

18 Orion This is seen from Earth Do you see Orion holding the lion???
Raise your hand if you would like to volunteer to come up to the board and show us what you see (one person).



21 Big Dipper


23 Cassiopeia

24 Cepheus Sits next to Queen Cassiopeia


26 Closing it up…. Please raise your hand QUIETLY AND POLITELY to answer the questions. What kind of galaxy is the Milky Way? Spiral Galaxy Are irregularly shaped galaxies thought to be young or old? Young Galaxies True or false: different constellations are visible at different times of the year. True

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