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Morning DO NOW Copy down these sentences in your Literacy Journals, then come to the carpet with your Literacy Journals and pencils 1) We cooked at the.

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Presentation on theme: "Morning DO NOW Copy down these sentences in your Literacy Journals, then come to the carpet with your Literacy Journals and pencils 1) We cooked at the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Morning DO NOW Copy down these sentences in your Literacy Journals, then come to the carpet with your Literacy Journals and pencils 1) We cooked at the park 2) 202 Scholars are the best! 3) Ray students place nicely. 4) Dancer dance everyday.

2 Morning Meeting Welcome Greeting “Good morning Scholars!”
Pledge of Allegiance Scholar Pledge Announcements Reminder Resets/Attention Grabbers - timed Class Expectations – Class Consequences - Checks Class and Individual Incentives, Scholar Store Materials needed: projector with screen, pen for each student

3 Whole Group Instruction (WG)
Conversation – Volume 0 Help – Raise hand and wait to be called Activity – Sitting and active listening Movement – stay on carpet, pretzel legs Participation – actively listening, answering questions when called


5 Story Structure Setting Characters Plot
Characters Plot

6 Group Work CHAMPS Conversation – Volume 1 Help – Ask 3 before me
Activity – Reading and filling out worksheet Movement – Stay at tables Participation – you are reading, writing and working together

7 You Do Group Work – Partner Reading and Worksheet
When you’re done, what now? Look at the chart in back of room Let’s work hard and earn ClassDojo points and a class marble!

8 Multiple Meaning Words

9 Why was Cinderella thrown off the soccer team?

10 She ran away from the ball.

11 Why was Cinderella such a bad player?

12 Her Coach was a pumpkin!

13 What are Multiple Meaning Words?
Multiple Meaning words are words that have more than one meaning. Use context clues to figure out the appropriate meaning in a sentence.

14 Let’s Practice!

15 I have a pet snake. A) I like to pet the animals.
B) My pet ate all of her food. C) Can I pet your kitten?

16 I have a pet snake. A) I like to pet the animals.
B) My pet ate all of her food. C) Can I pet your kitten?

17 Ouch! I cut my finger. A) Hey, you cut in line.
B) Cut out the shapes with your scissors. C) I cut my knee when I was playing basketball.

18 Ouch! I cut my finger. A) Hey, you cut in line.
B) Cut out the shapes with your scissors. C) I cut my knee when I was playing basketball.

19 I will pack my suitcase for my trip to Hawaii.
A) I saw a pack of wolves running in the woods. B) I need to pack my lunch for school. C) Can I buy a pack of gum?

20 I will pack my suitcase for my trip to Hawaii.
A) I saw a pack of wolves running in the woods. B) I need to pack my lunch for school. C) Can I buy a pack of gum?

21 I love to play on the swing at recess.
A) I can swing higher than anybody. B) I like to swing my car keys. C) I have a swing in my back yard.

22 I love to play on the swing at recess.
A) I can swing higher than anybody. B) I like to swing my car keys. C) I have a swing in my back yard.

23 Michael painted a masterpiece.
A) Angelica can paint very well. B) I spilled blue paint all over the floor. C) I had stained my clothes with red paint.

24 Michael painted a masterpiece.
A) Angelica can paint very well. B) I spilled blue paint all over the floor. C) I had stained my clothes with red paint.

25 Let’s Think… What are two meanings for the word Ball

26 Let’s Think… What are two meanings for the word Bowl

27 Let’s Think… What are two meanings for the word Light

28 Great Job!

29 DO NOW – Journal Writing in your Literacy Journals
In your writing journals, DESCRIBE to me your perfect day. Who is in your story? What would you do? Where would it be? How would it feel? AT LEAST 3 sentences. Read independently and quietly when you’re finished.

30 Independent Reading Class Goal – 22 minutes!
Take out a book and read independently and quietly at your seats! I will be giving points to students on task, reading at a VOLUME 0

31 Math Warm Up Copy and solve. 2 + 12 = ___ 7 + 7 = ___
Math Message Lesson 1.4 Copy and solve. = ___ = ___ 15 – 1 = ___ 24 – 10 = ___ 1 dozen and 2 more

32 Science Seeds Germination of Seeds Introduction Video KWL Chart

33 Social Studies: What is a Community?
KWL Explore Communities: Classroom School Hyde Park Google Earth

34 End of Day Meeting What Stuck with you? Homework Folders Homework
@202scholars Homework Folders Take forms and homework before you leave YOUR responsibility Homework Reading Logs Story Structure Worksheet Home Link 1.4

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