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Presentation on theme: "WHO IS PABLO PICASSO?."— Presentation transcript:


2 Not only was Pablo Picasso one of the most influential painters and artist of his time, he is also one of the most recognized figures of the 20th century, thanks to the work he created during his career. Born in Malaga, Spain, in October of 1881, he was the first child born in the family. His father worked as an artist, and was also a professor at the school of fine arts.

3 He is famous for being the co-founder of Cubism which is a style of painting where objects of the painting subject are broken up and re-painted in an abstract form. bedded&v=fjoWCdzhuFI Through-out his life Picasso also did ceramic and bronze sculptures, drawings, etchings and poetry. He also did paintings of other famous artist's paintings but in his own style.

4 Picasso's work is divided into periods - The Blue Period ( ), which were sad looking paintings using blue and blue-green colours.

5 The Rose Period (1905-1907), which was a more happy style with orange and pink colours.

6 The African-influenced Period (1908-1909)

7 The Cubism Period (1909- 1919)

8 Student Masterpieces


10 Paint like picasso

11 Journal time In your math notebook, create a journal entry describing what you think Picasso has to do with your math lesson

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