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Welcome to... Stewartsville Squares A Game of X’s and O’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to... Stewartsville Squares A Game of X’s and O’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to... Stewartsville Squares A Game of X’s and O’s

2 Another Kelly Jones Presentation

3 Ivana Winn Dewey Cheatum Seymour Money Sand E. Beaches Ima B. Utiful
1 2 3 Ivana Winn Dewey Cheatum Seymour Money Sand E. Beaches Ima B. Utiful Lee V. Mediately Craven Sumfood Anita Hugginkiss Starring: Phil R. Up 4 5 6 7 8 9

4 1 2 3 X 4 5 6 O 7 8 9 Scoreboard Click Here if X Wins Click Here if
O Wins

5 1 The Pueblo used clay and stones from their environment to build their homes. What were they called?

6 1 pueblos Home

7 2 What is the name of one of the oldest archaeological sites in North America?

8 2 Cactus Hill Home

9 Name the 3 types of resources.

10 natural, human, and capital
3 natural, human, and capital Home

11 Define natural resources.
4 Define natural resources.

12 resources that come directly from nature
4 resources that come directly from nature Home

13 Give an example of a human resource?
5 Give an example of a human resource?

14 a person ______________
5 a person ______________ Home

15 6 What is the study of human culture through the recovery and analysis of artifacts called?

16 6 archaeology Home

17 7 Goods produced to make other goods and services are what kind of resources?

18 7 capital Home

19 Fish, animals, and plants are all examples of which kind of resource?
8 Fish, animals, and plants are all examples of which kind of resource?

20 8 natural Home

21 9 Bows, spears, and canoes would all be examples of which kind of resource that the American Indians used?

22 9 capital Home



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