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Miss Pinero Second Grade

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1 Miss Pinero Second Grade
Open House Miss Pinero Second Grade

2 Daily 5 Literacy Program (Read to Self, Work on Writing, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Word Work) Introducing Slowly and Building Stamina Focus Lessons

3 Developmental Spelling
Phonics based program that helps students learn how words work Students are assessed and grouped according to their appropriate stage of development Want to make sure they are not only spelling it correctly for the weekly test but also in every day writing (show true mastery) In second grade, students use word sorts to learn about sounds, patterns, and meaning of words Spelling homework nightly with a quiz on Fridays Using SpellingCity this year. and go to find a list and then type in Tracy Pinero and click on it. We have 6 groups so your child needs to know what letter they are. Spelling tests on Fridays will be done on spellingcity.

4 Behavior Management Clip Chart- tickets for green level and above. Can turn tickets in for prizes Best Behavior Cards- get stars punched out and once all the stars are gone they go to the treasure box Class Dojo- online and get points Mystery Person Super Kid Marble Jar

5 Agendas and Homework Students write down homework every night in their agenda Sign at the bottom for reading homework 20 minutes of reading every night plus an additional 20 minutes (usually spelling and a math sheet) Orange Folder is their Homework Folder - Weekly Behavior Chart - Spelling Menu

6 Folders/Notebooks Orange Folder = Homework Folder
Green Folder = Unfinished Work Folder Blue Folder = Daily Five Folder (Work On Writing, Readers Response Journals) Writing Office Folder Spelling Notebook, Vocabulary Notebook, Math Journal, and Science Journal Friday Journals

7 Weather Person Picked in class at random
Bring in an appropriate current event Current day’s weather Lunch Menu

8 Common Core Teachers are more facilitators
Lots of group work and talking/explaining methods, proving their work, etc

9 MCLASS New literacy assessment
Read texts and comprehend the texts through oral and written questions

10 Xtra Math Excellent site for practicing math facts
Moves along at the students pace and has a virtual teacher

11 Miss Pinero’s Website Go to the root website Students Second Grade

12 Remind 101 Sends a reminder of upcoming events to your phone

13 Enrichments and Volunteers
Sign up sheets for the various enrichments along with volunteer sign up sheets

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