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Energy: Electricity Year 8 Lesson 4.

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1 Energy: Electricity Year 8 Lesson 4

2 Finish off your practical write-up on energy in foods
Include: Energy in fats Combustion products Now answer this question: Scientists know that it takes 4.2J to raise the temperature of 1cm3 of water by 1 degree C. In an experiment like the one you did, Yassin found that his food sample raised the temperature of 20 cm3 of water by 60 degrees C. Work out how much energy the food sample gave the water.

3 Electricity WALT: Describe the formation of electricity and list the resources needed I must be able to list and describe a number of resources we use for electricity I should be able to describe the process of producing electricity I could apply my knowledge to answer some questions correctly

4 We’ve already learnt that ……….
The majority of the world’s energy comes from ………. Fuels That fossil fuels are running ……….. That alternative energy resources are : Solar Wind Tidal Geothermal Biomass

5 Today we will look at how electricity is made from these things
Turn to page 277, read through the paragraph Spend 10 minutes turning the diagram into a flow chart with arrows or a list with points to describe how electricity is made

6 Next Using page 266, describe the difference between a turbine and a generator (draw the flow chart) Choose one type of renewable energy resource (p.267) and describe how it produces electricity Answer Ex on p Questions 1, 2 and 3 only

7 Prep Answer Q. 4 of Ex 18.4 on p. 272 You will need to think about how you would do this experiment

8 Plenary You have 1 minute to prepare a 30 second elevator pitch about how electricity is produced You will then present this to the rest of the class

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