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Guidelines for Book Report

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1 Guidelines for Book Report

2 How Many Pages - Paragraphs
If you type out your book report: 2 pages, double spaced, four paragraphs If you write out your book report: 4 pages, front and back, skipping lines, four paragraphs

3 More Formatting Details
All beginnings of paragraphs should be indented. If you’re typing, use Times New Roman font, 12 point. Number your pages, whether typed or written out, bottom center

4 Indented Paragraphs

5 Paragraphs Paragraph 1: Should introduce the reader to your book. What is its title? Who’s the author? Why did you choose it? Get the reader’s attention right away! Paragraph 2: Should discuss the general plot of the book. Plot = What is the problem, how does the story peak to a climax, what is the resolution of the problem, and how does the book end.

6 Paragraphs Paragraph 3: Put on your critic’s hat. Talk about the book’s strengths and the book’s weaknesses. Have at least 2 strengths and 2 weaknesses. Paragraph 4: End your book report with an eye-catching ending that wraps it all up neatly. Great words to use at the end: Therefore, In conclusion, In the final analysis, etc.

7 More Formatting Details
All book titles should be italicized and Capitalized. Personal pet peeve: Travis’s sneakers DON’T DO THIS! S’S IS A NO NO DO THIS: Travis’ sneakers

8 More Formatting Details
Use the Oxford Comma Always. This is the Oxford Comma: Joe, Bob, and Suzie The Oxford Comma comes before the word “and” in a series. Why use it?


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