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Giant Panda Problem Math 7.

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1 Giant Panda Problem Math 7

2 History about the Pandas
At present, there are about 1,000 great pandas living in the wild in China. They are disappearing quickly because of poachers and the loss of habitat. Most of the pandas live in the mountains of Central China eating large amounts of young bamboo for up to 12 hours a day. Pandas are 4-5 feet long and can weigh up to 350 pounds. They give birth every 2-4 years of 1-2 cubs. The Chinese government has been selling or renting pandas to zoos around the world. This is a source of income for the Chinese government, but it does not help to increase the dwindling population, as the pandas do not reproduce well in captivity.

3 2001 Government sold 3% Government sale led to 30 fewer pandas.
New panda population is 970 pandas ÷100 X 3 0% 1% 3% 100% 10 30 1,000 X 3 ÷100 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before 2001? 1,000 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 3%? 1% How do we get from 100% to 1%? Divide by 100 How do we find 1% of 1000? Divide by 100 So 1000 divided by 100 is what? 10 pandas How do we get 3% from 1%? Multiply by 3 What do we do to 10 to find 3% of 1,000? Multiply by 3 What is 3% of 1,000? 30 pandas If the government sold 3%, what is the new panda population? 970 pandas

4 2001 Poachers kill 5% Poachers led to 49 fewer pandas.
New panda population is 921 pandas ÷20 0% 5% 100% 49 970 ÷20 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before this? 970 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 5%? 5% How do we get from 100% to 5%? Divide by 20 How do we find 5% of 970? Divide by 20 So 970 divided by 20 is what? 49 pandas What is 5% of 970? 49 pandas If poachers killed 5%, what is the new panda population? 921 pandas

5 2002 Babies increase population by 10%
There was an increase of 92 pandas New panda population is 1013 pandas ÷10 0% 10% 100% 92 921 ÷10 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before this? 921 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 10%? 10% How do we get from 100% to 10%? Divide by 10 How do we find 10% of 921? Divide by 10 So 921 divided by 10 is what? 92 pandas So 10% of 921 is what? 92 pandas If babies increase the population 10%, what is the new panda population? pandas

6 2002 Poachers kill 6% Poachers led to a decrease of 60 pandas
New panda population is 953 pandas ÷100 X 6 0% 1% 6% 100% 10 60 1013 X 6 ÷100 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before this? 1,013 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 6%? 1% How do we get from 100% to 1%? Divide by 100 How do we find 1% of 1,013? Divide by 100 So 1,013 divided by 100 is what? 10 pandas How do we get 6% from 1%? Multiply by 6 What do we do to 10 to find 6% of 1,013? Multiply by 6 What is 6% of 1013? 60 pandas If the poachers killed 6%, what is the new panda population? 953 pandas

7 2003 Government sold 5% Government led to a decrease of 48 pandas.
New panda population is 905 pandas ÷20 0% 5% 100% 48 953 ÷20 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before this? 953 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 5%? 5% How do we get from 100% to 5%? Divide by 20 How do we find 5% of 953? Divide by 20 So 953 divided by 20 is what? 48 pandas What is 5% of 953? 48 pandas If the government sold 5%, what is the new panda population? 905 pandas

8 2003 Poachers kill 7% Poachers led to 63 fewer pandas.
New panda population is 842 pandas ÷100 X 7 0% 1% 7% 100% 9 63 905 X 7 ÷100 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before this? 905 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 7%? 1% How do we get from 100% to 1%? Divide by 100 How do we find 1% of 905? Divide by 100 So 905 divided by 100 is what? 9 pandas How do we get 7% from 1%? Multiply by 7 What do we do to 9 to find 7% of 905? Multiply by 7 What is 7% of 905? 63 pandas If the poachers killed 7%, what is the new panda population? 842 pandas

9 2004 Government sold 4% Government led to 32 fewer pandas.
New panda population is 810 pandas ÷100 X 4 0% 1% 4% 100% 8 32 842 X 4 ÷100 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before this? 842 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 4%? 1% How do we get from 100% to 1%? Divide by 100 How do we find 1% of 842? Divide by 100 So 842 divided by 100 is what? 8 pandas How do we get 4% from 1%? Multiply by 4 What do we do to 8 to find 4% of 842? Multiply by 4 What is 4% of 842? 32 pandas If the government sold 4%, what is the new panda population? 810 pandas

10 2004 Poachers kill 5% Poachers led to 41 fewer pandas.
New panda population is 769 pandas ÷20 0% 5% 100% 41 810 ÷20 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before this? 810 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 5%? 5% How do we get from 100% to 5%? Divide by 20 How do we find 5% of 810? Divide by 20 So 810 divided by 20 is what? 41 pandas What is 5% of 810? 41 pandas If the poachers killed 5%, what is the new panda population? 769 pandas

11 2005 Babies increase population by 12%
Babies increase the panda population by 96 pandas New panda population is 865 pandas ÷100 X 12 0% 1% 12% 100% 8 96 769 X 12 ÷100 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before this? 769 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 12%? 1% How do we get from 100% to 1%? Divide by 100 How do we find 1% of 769? Divide by 100 So 769 divided by 100 is what? 8 pandas How do we get 12% from 1%? Multiply by 12 What do we do to 8 to find 12% of 769? Multiply by 12 What is 12% of 769? 96 pandas If the babies increased the population by 12%, what is the new panda population? 865 pandas

12 2005 Government sells 4% Government led to 36 fewer pandas.
New panda population is 829 pandas ÷100 X 4 0% 1% 4% 100% 9 36 865 X 4 ÷100 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before this? 865 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 4%? 1% How do we get from 100% to 1%? Divide by 100 How do we find 1% of 865? Divide by 100 So 865 divided by 100 is what? 9 pandas How do we get to 4% from 1%? Multiply by 4 What do we do to 9 to find 4% of 865? Multiply by 4 What is 4% of 865? 36 pandas If the government sold 4%, what is the new panda population? 829 pandas

13 2005 Poachers kill 5% Poachers led to 41 fewer pandas.
New panda population is 788 pandas ÷20 0% 5% 100% 41 829 ÷20 Ask the following questions: What is 100% before this? 829 pandas Which benchmark percent will help us find 5%? 5% How do we get from 100% to 5%? Divide by 20 How do we find 5% of 829? Divide by 20 So 829 divided by 20 is what? 41 pandas What is 5% of 829? 41 pandas If the poachers killed 5%, what is the new panda population? 788 pandas

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