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Measurement and Scientific Tools

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Presentation on theme: "Measurement and Scientific Tools"— Presentation transcript:

1 Measurement and Scientific Tools
NOS- Lesson 2

2 Description: you are observing and saying what you observe.
Explanation: you are inferring and telling us why or how you know. Vocab Check

3 Hash tag example Precision-a description of how similar or close measurements are to each other. Accuracy- a description of how close a measurement is to an accepted or true value. Why do we need SI??????

4 Bull’s Eye Example Bull’s eye Example
Why is it important for your watch to have accurate time? How can a clock be precise, but not accurate? Bull’s Eye Example

5 Measurement The Squirrel traveled 5 meters to get a an acorn.
How far is that? The Squirrel traveled 5 feet to get the acorn. Inches, ft, yards, miles mm, cm, meters and Km International system of Units (SI)- internationally accepted system for measurement. Measurement

6 Base Units Length= meters (m) Mass=grams (g) Time= seconds (s)
Volume= Liters (l) Base Units

7 Meter stick Group practice with a meter stick or rulers. Hands on

8 KILOGRAMS MILLIGRAMS GRAMS 1 kg = 1,000 g 1 g = 1000 mg 1000 mg = 1 g
1 kg = 1,000,000 mg 1 g = 1000 mg 1,000 g = 1kg 1000 mg = 1 g 1,000,000 mg = 1kg

9 Prefixes-what is a prefix?
Kilo- (k) Hecto- (h) Deka- (da) BASE UNIT Deci- (d) Centi-(c) Milli- (m) Prefixes-what is a prefix?


11 USE a MNEMONIC Come up with your own Mnemonic, prepare to share.
Kelly Has Dirty Underwear Don’t Check Mine. USE a MNEMONIC


13 Try these conversions, using the ladder method.
1000 mg = _______ g 1 L = _______ mL 160 cm = _______ mm 1.4 km = _______ m 10.9 cg = _______ kg .250 m = _______ km

14 Description Explanation SI Precision Accuracy Vocab Check

15 SI still not good enough?
Significant Digits- Number of digits in a measurement that are used with a certain degree of reliabilitiy. All Exact digits + one that is estimated. SI still not good enough?

16 Rules All nonzero numbers are significant
Zeros between nonzero numbers are significant Final Zeros used after the decimal point are significant Zeros used solely for spacing the decimal point are not significant. Rules

17 Quiz Example Sig Figs Applied Rules 1.234 1.2 0.023 0.200 1,002 3.07
0.001 0.012 50,600 Quiz

18 Scientific Tools Science Journal Balances Thermometer Microscopes
Magnifying glass Slide Dissecting tools Pipette Flask Graduated cylinder Beaker Test Tubes Bunsen burner Scientific Tools


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