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Scientists argue, but they argue about ideas.

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Presentation on theme: "Scientists argue, but they argue about ideas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientists argue, but they argue about ideas.
Accountable Talk Scientists argue, but they argue about ideas.

2 Accountable Talk In accountable talk, we increase our understanding and strengthen our reasoning skills by discussing ideas and linking them to reliable sources of evidence Accountable talk will help you be a better think and problem solver, and will help you understand complex ideas

3 Accountable Talk in our class:
We can see and hear each other We listen to each other without interrupting the current speaker We build on each other’s ideas, making sure our contributions are relevant to the topic We speak respectfully to one another, challenging arguments, not the speaker

4 Accountable Talk with info & evidence:
We refer to reliable sources of evidence and information We question and check evidence that is offered by others We can challenge the quality of each other’s assumptions, evidence, reasoning, or conclusions Connect with knowledge previously gained

5 Accountable Talk & Logical Thinking
We work to connect evidence and inferences to identify the most plausible explanation We seek and use credible facts We examine evidence critically We test our own understandings of concepts

6 Accountable Talk Sentence Starters
To add your thoughts: I agree with ______________ because… I disagree with ___________ because… That reminds me of… I predict… I figured out… I also noticed… I’d like to add that… According to the evidence, I think… That idea doesn’t make sense because…

7 Accountable Talk Sentence Starters
To ask general questions: I wonder why… I have a question about… I don’t understand… How does that work?

8 Accountable Talk Sentence Starters
To reply to a previous speaker: Say more about what you mean. I don’t understand what you mean. Where is the information that makes you say that? Can you show where that is in the… text/data/illustration? What is your evidence? Why do you think that? How do you know that?

9 Accountable Talk Sentence Starters
To help keep everyone on track: We’re getting too far way from the topic. How does that relate to the topic?

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