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By: Nevaeh, Manjot, Kartik, Joban, Sukhman, Himat

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1 By: Nevaeh, Manjot, Kartik, Joban, Sukhman, Himat
Vikings By: Nevaeh, Manjot, Kartik, Joban, Sukhman, Himat

2                                 Military How did your group defend themselves? The Vikings would raid countries, kill people and burn land.

3 Who did they fight and what was the outcome?
They fought all over Europe. Main places included France, Netherlands, Belgium, Ireland, England, Spain and Italy. Their favorite places to raid were churches.

4 Strategies They would travel in swift long ships.
They were feared so people would stay away from them. If confronted by actual threats they would create a wedge formation.

5                       Types of weapons Bows and arrows, Spears, Knifes, Swords and Axes. Shields (Round shields and kite shields) Armor (Helmets, Cloth and leather, Lamellar, Vambraces etc.....)


7 Believe /Religion /Philosophy
What did they believe in? -They believe in religion called pagan. Is there any Great thinker? -No

8 Monotheistic or polytheistic
Polytheistic as they believe in many gods :- The Aesir. Odin. Balder. Frigg. Thor. Tyr. Freya. Sif.

DIFFERENCE SIMILARITIES Do not believe in philosophy. Believe in many religion. Believe in many gods. Being Multicultural.

10 Politics Do they have a ruler? They do not have a ruler
What is their political structure? Freeman would attend community meetings where they read laws and chose kings

11 Compare your group's political structure with present day Canada's-what are four differences and similarities? Vikings Political structure Canada's Political  structure Similarities Canada's do not travel much Had many rulers Do not have as much farmers Vikings travelled around a lot Had cone king at a time Was mostly farmers The community  chose the      Government/king

12 Were there different classes of people?
Thrall:  In every Viking house there was about two to three slaves called the Thralls Clothing were not so good Thrall's were used for heavy works  Karl After Thralls came the Karl's, the middle class people. Karl's were the freemen.  The ones to own a house They had more legal rights Jarl:   Jarls were the kings, not all Norse countries had them as their kings. They were leaders Clothing were the best out all the other people                                                      Use your q-cards classes, explain on thrall other classes.

13 What Did The Daily Lives Of People Look Like?
Viking weren't only about raiding and stealing  Life for and women were different Many Vikings lived in large families/group of people

14 Were There Any Rules For The Citizens To Follow?
Viking had no actual government or rules to follow Were There Any Rules For The Citizens To Follow?

15 Entertainment of the Vikings:
Most Vikings games were rough Had many popular ball and board games

16 What Was Trading For The Vikings?
Vikings loved to trade The Vikings traded all over Europe including the far eat side for Asia They traded many things

17 Comparing Viking And Canadian Society
Viking Society: People do not raid or steal Have proper rules and laws Everyone is treated with respect Children have proper education Women have rights and freedom Vikings loved to raid and steal  Made decision to crime on the spot Children did not have any education Women used to keep the house safe

18 Rise and Fall From when to when were they around?
Started in 800 AD, and ended in 1066 AD  The origination of the Vikings started in 800 AD and originated in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. The name Vikings comes from a language called 'old Norse' which means pirate raid.  How did the Vikings come to power? The Vikings raided most of great Britain including Northumbria, Wessex and York from 865 AD.

19 How did the Vikings keep their power?
The Vikings kept their power by raiding most of great Britain, Northumbria, Wessex and York. How and why did the Vikings fall? The Viking age ended when the Vikings stopped raids.  They also fell because the European monarchs grew stronger and became more organized. There is a statue of a Viking in Manitoba (Gimli) Museums:      Dock museum     Yorkshire Museum  The Dock Museum is located in Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, England. The Yorkshire museum is located in York, England 

20 Geography Where  was the group located?                                                                                                                     What is the area around them like is it mountainous or near the ocean?                                              

21                       Where did they live? They came from the three countries of Scandinavia : Denmark , Norway, and Sweden.  Sweden and Norway are colder than Denmark in the winter but mostly have the same climate change.    Scandinavia is near the ocean so they ate a lot of fish. Norway and Sweden are mountainous while Denmark has no mountains just a few hills.                       

22 Bibliography Social Studies Textbook 

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