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Introduction to Congress

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1 Introduction to Congress
The Legislative Branch

2 Terms to Know Bicameral-two house Congress; The Senate and the House of Representatives Term-a term of Congress last for two years Session-a period of time during which, each year, Congress assembles and conducts business.

3 The House of Representatives
435 members with representation based on the population of the state(s). Elections are held on the first Tuesday, following the first Monday, in November.

4 The House of Representatives
Qualifications: Must be 25 years old Be a citizen of the USA for at least 7 years Must live in the state that you represent Serve for two years

5 The Senate 100 members, with each state having two senators
Each member serves a 6 year term They represent their constituencies (the people and the interests that they represent)

6 The Senate Qualifications Be at least 30 years old
Be a citizen of the USA for at least nine years Must live in the state that you represent

7 Limits on Congress’ Power
1. The Presidential Veto-the President can veto laws that he does not agree with Voter backlash-if the voters become unhappy with their Congress person, they can simply vote him/her out of office

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