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The role of religion in america

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1 The role of religion in america

2 Mood What mood does our author create by using the following words?

3 Writing Warm Up Questions
How can fear be a positive emotion? What is the role of religion in the modern world? What motivates people to do the “right” thing?

4 ( ) Jonathan Edwards

5 Background Information
Important role in the shaping of The Great Awakening ( ) Was the fifth of eleven children He entered Yale College in 1716, at just under the age of thirteen. He was a scholar-pastor his rule being thirteen hours of study a day.

6 The Great Awakening A series of several religious revivals
Began in the 1730’s

7 Structure of a Puritan Sermon
1. Epigraph-reading of a Biblical epigraph, explanation of its meaning and its Biblical context. 2. Exposition- demonstration of scriptural evidence, reasoning, establishing the validity of the doctrine

8 Structure cont. 3. Application-statement of how the doctrine applies to one’s personal, spiritual and family lives and to the immediate community. 4. Epilogue-call to action, emotional appeal.

9 Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (1741)
Sermon written by Edwards and preached on July 8, 1741 “Their foot shall slide in due time.” Deuteronomy 32:35 (5th book of the Bible) Delivered in a monotone style to the congregation, especially the slaves

10 “Fire and Brimstone” tradition

11 Themes Imminence of destruction
Seeds of destruction are there, just momentarily stayed, restrained by God. The danger of death and damnation that faces the unconverted

12 Pay Special Attention to the Following Rhetorical Strategies:
Imagery- Figurative or descriptive language in a literary work used by the author to create a mental or sensory image in the reader. Diction-Word Choice Metaphor- A comparison of two things without the use of “like” or “as” Alliteration

13 Group Rhetorical Précis
Sentence 2 is difficult Follow the idea chunks of the text Tone should be 2-3 strong words The word “inform” is outlawed Your purpose statements need an “in order to” phrase What he wants the audience to do We write about texts in the present tense Do not capitalize words that are not proper nouns

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