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Reacting Mentos By: Nick Schooley.

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Presentation on theme: "Reacting Mentos By: Nick Schooley."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reacting Mentos By: Nick Schooley

2 My Scientific Question
Will the size of the reactants affect the speed of the reaction?

3 REASONS I CHOSE THIS I chose this experiment because I thought it might be interesting. It looked like it would be fun to do. Also, the result could be useful later.

4 HYPOTHESIS If the size of the reactants are altered, then I think the uncut mento will cause the fastest speed of the reaction.

5 Variables Independant -Size of Mentos Dependant
-Time it takes for pop to come out of the top Constants -Type of pop, amount of pop, same stopwatch

6 Procedure 1. Gather all materials
2. Place one whole mento in a test tube with 40ml of Pepsi 3. Measure the time it takes the pop to come out of the top 4. Record your data 5. Repeat steps 2-4 only cutting the mento into halves and quarters.

7 Data In Graphs

8 Conclusion My science project question was, does the size of the reactants affect the speed of the reaction. In my experiment I measured 42mL of Pepsi into 3 test tubes. Then I placed one mento, then halves, and then fourths into each test tube and measured the time it took the pepsi to spill over the top of the tube. The data I got from this experiment was for the whole mento it took 4.1 seconds, halves took 2.41 sec., and fourths took 1.83 sec. The data does not support my hypothesis because the fourths had the fastest speed and I thought the whole mento would. I learned that the size of the reactants do affect the size of the reaction. I have also learned the one divided the most causes the fastest speed. If I had to do it over I would do it on larger scale and repeat it multiple times.

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