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Presentation on theme: "Motivation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Motivation

2 Free Word Association

3 Water

4 Green

5 Bell

6 Bus

7 Flower

8 Dog

9 Motivation

10 Freud: Bio b. 1856 in Vienna Medical school
Private practice – disorders of the brain and nervous system No biological causes Psychological origin Conscious vs. Unconscious

11 Freudian Terminology Subconscious – the part of the mind that influences actions without one’s full awareness Ego – rational part of the mind or “reality principle” Id – instinct or “pleasure principle” Superego – moral part of the mind or “conscious” What we are aware of What we can recall What may be recalled with psychoanalysis

12 Psychoanalysis “a process whereby patients discuss their background, feelings and experiences with a trained psychologist”

13 Freudian Psychoanalysis
Childhood experiences Hypnosis Free Association Defence Mechanisms: hide or change a problem to protect the conscious mind

14 Case Study: Miss Elizabeth
In partners, read over the case study Answer the questions together

15 Other Psychoanalytic Psychologists
Carl Jung – motivation by opposite tendencies Alfred Adler – overcoming feelings of inferiority Karen Horney – love and security

16 Freud vs. Maslow What is Freud’s theory of motivation?
What is Maslow’s theory of motivation? How is Freud’s theory of motivation different from Maslow’s?

17 Flow Psychology

18 Sources ing-flow
Sproule, Wayne. Our Social World: An Introduction to Anthropology, Psychology and Sociology. Toronto: Prentice Hall, 2001.

19 Reflection Name some of the different kinds of motivation that we have learned about in this unit on Psychology What sorts of things motivate YOU? How do those things fit with one of more of the types of motivation and theories of motivation that we have studied in class? How can your motivation be INCREASED at school?

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