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Plan for today: Go over homework Quizlet

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Presentation on theme: "Plan for today: Go over homework Quizlet"— Presentation transcript:

1 We are learning to understand a range of texts and use interesting vocabulary and sentences.
Plan for today: Go over homework Quizlet Read story of Jack and the Beanstalk (book) Group story sequencing task Write story together Start to write story independently

2 Put the pictures into the correct order!
Cut & stick activity. Pupils describe what happens using first, next, then, finally etc. Group task

3 Use this to plan story and then as a group write story together.

4 Use the pictures to help you rewrite the story of Jack and beanstalk in your own words...
Once upon a time… Next he... Jack’s Mum was… Then…. He went to… After this …. He bought... Suddenly… Fee Fi Fo Fum,

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