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Asexual Plant Propagation

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1 Asexual Plant Propagation

2 Why is asexual propagation needed?
Not all plants produce seeds Hybrids Some plants are difficult to grow from seed

3 Cuttings Pieces of leaves, stems, buds, or roots used for propagating plants Most commonly used (especially commercially) Softwood cuttings-taken when plant tissue is soft and tender Hardwood cuttings-taken when plant tissue is hardened and more woody

4 Essentials needed to root:
Conditions must include: Moisture Oxygen Warmth (40 degrees F or above) Light Needed for photosynthesis (food production) Not needed for stored hardwood cuttings Sterile rooting medium to prevent disease

5 Why do roots form? Downward movement of materials from the leaves (photosynthesis) is incomplete Materials accumulate and start healing and rooting Cuttings from young plants root must faster Soft, newly formed shoots also root easier

6 Softwood and Semihardwood Cuttings
Taken after the current or present season’s growth has partially matured or hardened Should be able to bend Must have parent plant that has grown 2-6 inches of new growth during current year From the tip of a branch A shoot that is growing from the base of the plant Early morning is best time to take cutting Remember to keep the right side up (use leaves and buds as help)

7 The Process: 1. Collect the wood and label
2.      Fill container with rooting medium 3.      Make the cutting Use mature stem 3-4” long Include 2 or 3 buds on each cutting Cut top straight across Cut bottom at angle Allows more surface area

8 The Process: 4. Treat the cutting with rooting hormone
5.      Insert cutting in the rooting medium 6.      Water to settle the medium around the cutting 7.      Insert the label into the rooting container 8.      Control atmosphere by covering with plastic and placing in indirect sunlight

9 Herbaceous Cuttings Made from succulent greenhouse plants
Ex: geranium, carnation, chrysanthemum Most florist crops propagated this way Cuttings are made 3-6 inches long with leaves left on the stem Sterile rooting medium needed Fungicide may be necessary Very successful

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