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Problems With Technology and Driving

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1 Problems With Technology and Driving
Heather Clark 4th hour Problems With Technology and Driving


3 General Use Of Technology While Driving
Experts estimate that as many 73 percent of drivers use their cell phone. The most common distracting activity when driving is using a cell phone or other wireless device. There are many ways you can get distracted while driving by using technology: Texting Calling Hands free calling Using an I pod Changing the radio station Using laptops Using PDAs Using Navigation systems Distractions

4 “LOL! ” Texting While Driving
It's estimated that wireless subscribers send approximately 158 billion text messages each year. A recent survey found that 20 percent of drivers admit to texting while driving. 66 percent of drivers ages 18 through 24 use wireless devices to send or receive text messages while driving. "It's obvious that it's a lethal combination. Average drivers take their eyes off the road something like 14 times every 30 seconds if they are texting. When you are driving fast on the highway it's not a place to take more risks.“ -Washington Representative Joyce McDonald

5 Talking On The Phone while Driving
Hang up and drive! Talking On The Phone while Driving Distracts you just as much as texting does: You are using a hand Your mind is elsewhere than what you are currently doing Using Hands free calling while driving is still just as bad as using your hands to hold you phone while you talk. Your mind is being distracted by the current task you are performing.

6 Handling Other Types Of Technology While Driving
Its All distracting Handling Other Types Of Technology While Driving Using Radios GPSs PDAs I pods Its all distracting You might think you can handle it But the truth is, its DANGEROUS for even the most experienced drivers. IT CAUSES CAR ACCEDENTS! PLAIN AND SIMPLE.

7 What Are The Consequences?
Using technology can be extremely useful! But when used in the wrong place at the wrong time can be a disaster! Texting and calling and anything of the sort is extremely dangerous! In 2008, at any given moment, over 800,000 were texting, making calls, or using a cell phone while driving. Distracted driving killed nearly 6,000 in the same year. Talking on the phone and texting behind the wheel both lead to distraction, and driver inattention is the leading cause of car accidents.

8 "You can't take other people's lives into your hands with this kind of behavior," -Washington's Joyce McDonald. She is saying that it isn’t okay for you to focus on texting while other peoples lives are in your hands!

9 In The Blink Of An Eye, Your Whole World Can Change
No call or text is more important than you handling your own, and your passengers lives. The text or call can wait. Stay safe while driving!

10 Works Cited Images From
Elder, Lee Erica. "LICENSE to Live." American Cheerleader. 01 Jun. 2009: 73. eLibrary. Web. 25 Mar Sundeen, Matt. "Driving While Distracted." State Legislatures. 01 May. 2008: 20. eLibrary. Web. 25 Mar Images From

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