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Reviewing Expectations, Procedures, and Routines

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1 Reviewing Expectations, Procedures, and Routines
Week 4 Westport Middle School

2 Icebreaker: Around the World
Students pass an object around the circle quickly while the person who is “It” tries to name examples in a category. Players begin to pass the object around the circle while the person who is “It” tries to name as many items in the category as possible before the object has been passed all around the circle.

3 LEARNING Target LT: I can review expectations, procedures, and routines.

4 Classroom Expectations
Stay on task. This means you are following directions and refraining from talking to or playing with your friends.

5 Classroom Expectations
Offer your best. This means you are giving your best effort. Even if you don’t understand something or you are frustrated by an assignment, you try to complete it.

6 Classroom Expectations
Act responsibly. This means that you keep your phone put away, you stay in dress code, and you keep your hands, feet, and other objects to yourself.

7 Classroom Expectations
Respect does the rest. This means that you treat yourself, your teachers, your peers, and property with respect.

8 Non-Negotiables to Make Sure Everyone is SAFE AND Successful
Stay seated unless you have direct permission from your teacher. Stay quiet while the teacher is talking.

9 Cell Phones and Dress Code
Cell phones must be OUT OF SIGHT and OFF, or they will be taken. The dress code policy must be followed, or you will go to PAC, ISAP, or the Youth Service Center. This includes keeping your hood off.

10 Backpacks Backpacks must be in lockers during the day– it is a fire hazard if they are not. Small purses are allowed, but nothing else.

11 Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to YOURSELF.
Hallway Transitions Level One or Zero Stay on the BLUE Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to YOURSELF.

12 Stairwell Procedures:
Voice Level 1 The stairwells on the ends of the hallways are UP ONLY. The stairwell in the middle is DOWN ONLY. Keep your hands, feet, and other objects to YOURSELF.

13 Cafeteria Expectations
Walk to the cafeteria on a Level 1 or 0, in a line on the right side of the hallway. Line up outside cafeteria and wait for permission to enter from cafeteria staff, teacher, or AP! Those who bring their lunch sit down immediately. Those buying will be directed to the appropriate line. No pushing or running- act your age! Use Level 2 voice (table talk) while eating. All students are to remain in the cafeteria at all times.

14 Restroom Procedures Students line up in class on Voice level ONE.
Students line up against lockers on wall opposite of restrooms. It is important to keep hallways SAFE. Teacher will send 3 boys and 3 girls in at a time. Move quickly; others are waiting on you! Clean up after yourself! Be respectful of our school! When finished, line up where instructed by teacher. Maintain a voice level one until teacher tells you otherwise.

15 Westport Behavior System
If you misbehave in the classroom, hallway, cafeteria, or outside the building, you may receive an infraction from any adult in the building. We use a school-wide tracking system to monitor infractions. If you receive five infractions within one week, you will receive a referral to the assistant principal. The assistant principal will determine your consequence. ISAP Suspension Parent/Teacher Conference Other

16 Why would you get an infraction?
Inappropriate Language Refusing to Work Off-Task Minor Dishonesty Non-Compliance Tardy to Class Calling Out Sleeping in Class Making Noises Cell Phone Out Put-Downs Dress Code Violation Throwing Objects

17 My behavior Goal for This Year:
Write down a behavior goal you have for yourself this school year. My goal is to ___________________________.

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