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Types of Graphs How and when to use them!.

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Presentation on theme: "Types of Graphs How and when to use them!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Types of Graphs How and when to use them!

2 4 main types to know

3 Bar Graphs Bar graphs display data Every bar graph has a… *title
*scale *axis *labels on both axis *bars that show data Bar Graphs: "like stacks of coins"  Bar graphs are great for looking at differences amongst similar things.  Let's say we want to look at the number of pieces of different kinds of trash found at the beach .  We want to know which kinds are found the most often and the least often. Bar graphs are great because you can line up different types of things right next to each other and compare them instantly. For example, the kinds of trash found are lined up on a horizontal axis in the bar graph below. The numbers indicating pieces of trash found are lined up on a vertical axis. The height of each bar can tell you the number of pieces of trash of that kind that were found. Bar graphs are good for giving a comparison of absolute numbers.

4 Questions about bar graphs
What sports did 3rd graders play? Which sport was played more than any other sport? Which sport did the fewest number of 3rd graders play? How many more students played baseball than football? What statement about the graph is true? a) 170 3rd graders play sports b)More students play football than soccer c)only 10 student play hockey d)3rd graders play volleyball

5 Double Bar Graphs A double bar graph allows us to compare two or more pieces of information in one graph. Let’s answer some questions about the double bar graph! Which grade won more medals? Which grade won the least bronze medals? How many gold medals did the 5th and 6th grade win combined?

6 Another Double Bar Graph!
The pink bar belongs to what group? What fruit do 5th graders eat more often? Which group likes oranges more? What is the key thing to remember about Double Bar Graphs? Remember:They compare 2 pieces of data!!!

7 Line Graphs We know that we can use bar graphs to show data
Look at the graph on the right—it shows a bar graph changed over to a line graph—notice the similarities! It still has a title, a scale (numbers), an x and y axis (think coordinate points!), and labels for each axis! Line Graphs: "like turns in a road"    A line graph is a good way to look at how something changes, usually over time or sometimes across space. Making a line graph is really just a matter of connecting the dots.

8 Parts of a line graph You can make your own line graph using all of these parts!

9 Line Graphs Now let’s answer some questions about line graphs!
See example: How many kilos of potatoes were consumed on Thursday? Answer: 10 kilos *How many kilos of potatoes were consumed on Sunday? *What was the total amount of potatoes consumed on both Wed. and Thurs.?

10 More Line Graphs Let’s answer more questions about line graphs
*On which test did Frank make a 100% grade? *What was Frank’s lowest test grade? *What grade did Frank make on test number 6? Remember: a line graph uses points and lines on a grid to show changes over time!

11 Circle Graphs Usually, the portions of a circle graph are labeled with percentages. To make the parts easier to tell apart, they are sometimes given different colors.                                                          Pie Graphs:  "like pieces of a pie"   A pie graph allows us to compare parts of a whole with each other, or the fraction of the whole each part takes up. That might sound a bit complicated, but it's easy when you think about it in terms of cake.  Let's say you eat half of the cake (you were hungry!) How much of the cake is left? Obviously, if you ate one side of the cake, then the other side is still there. But now say you weren't quite so hungry, so you only ate half of that half. How much is left of the cake now? You get the idea. The most you could ever possibly eat is the whole cake (100%), because after that, there's no more cake left! The less you eat of the cake, the more you have left over.

12 Circle Graph Questions
Let’s answer some questions about graphs! *What percentage of the body is made up of bone minerals? *What percentage is made up of protein? *What is the smallest portion made up of? The largest? *What is the total percentage of water and protein in the body? Remember: circle graphs are made up of percentages!

13 Graphs Mini Quizzy 1)You are asked to compare the number of 3rd and 4th grade students who choose pizza each day. Which is the best graph to show this data? a)Line graph b)Circle graph c)Double bar graph d)Bar graph 2)You are asked to make a graph to show the percentage of different choices students make for lunch each day. 50% choose pizza, 25% choose a sandwich, 15% choose nachos, and only 10% choose grilled cheese. What is the best graph to show this data? a)pictograph c)Line graph 3)You are asked to show the changes in student lunch choices over a certain period of time. Which graph would be best to show this data? d)pictograph

14 You are a graphs whiz!!

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