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Winstead ES Parent Focus Group May 16, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Winstead ES Parent Focus Group May 16, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Winstead ES Parent Focus Group May 16, 2013

2 Enhance Experience of Students
Discuss that the principal is interested in improving the experience of students and wants your feedback and perspective to move forward. The purpose of the focus group is to ultimately enhance the learning environment for students and strengthen partnerships between home and school. Introduce yourselves and explain that you are unbiased facilitators and that the feedback from tonight will not be shared with anyone besides the administration and is completely anonymous. Strengthen Partnerships Between Home and School

3 Winstead ES Central Office Parents
Next Steps Winstead ES You can explain that there will be next steps out of this process after getting information from you, the feedback will be discussed with the administration and then actions will be taken to improve the school based on your input. The school will look at the feedback over the summer for planning for next year so you should expect to see improvements. Central Office Parents Identification of What’s (Working well) Concerns / Feedback May 13, 2013

4 GROUND RULES Listen to and treat each other with respect
Each person gets a chance to talk One person talks at a time Its okay to disagree Facilitators are neutral and will be recording feedback It is important that we create a safe environment for sharing. This process is confidential and anonymous. We also have some ground rules that we’ll follow during the focus group. Can we agree to these ground rules? 4

5 Hold up your Agree/Disagree Sign for the following statements
Every Parent Response Ask parents to listen to each statement and hold up the “agree” or “disagree” card for each statement. Take a few moments after the question and ask someone to share. Why did you agree or disagree? 5

6 All parents feel welcome at Winstead Elementary School
Every Parent Response Ask parents to listen to each statement and hold up the “agree” or “disagree” card for each statement. Take a few moments after the question and ask someone to share. Why did you agree or disagree? 6

7 Winstead Elementary School has a great communication process for parents.

8 What’s working well at Winstead Elementary School?
Now we’re going into the meat of the focus group. We’re going to ask two questions—what’s working well and what needs improvement. Let’s start with sharing some of the things that are working well– it can be about anything including instruction, environment, lunch money process, etc. We will chart your responses. 8

9 What needs improvement at Winstead Elementary School?
Now let’s move on to what needs improvement. Remember we will compile all of these into a report and give it to the administration for continuous improvement. 9

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