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Integrating Media into Standards Based Curriculum

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1 Integrating Media into Standards Based Curriculum
A Professional Development Workshop by Operation Education Caitlin Bullard, Stephanie Jarek, Vanessa Cobb, Mackenzie Massey, Valerie Thompson, Laura Ng

2 Let’s Get Started Access your workshop guide through the DocHub Chrome app and link included in your registration . Click the Tech-Savvy Quiz link and complete the 10 questions. ( Text your Tech-Savvy score to Poll Everywhere, using the instructions in your workshop guide.

3 Tech-Savvy Teaching Results
This is a screenshot from the Poll Everywhere website. When being actively used, the website will show all the respondents around the room.

4 Professional Objectives
Teachers will be able to identify the five ISTE standards for teachers. Teachers will design a multimedia learning experience incorporating ISTE Standards 2 and 3.

5 Why? Richard Mayer (2005), one of the leading researchers in multimedia learning: “People learn better from words and pictures than from words alone.” Research tells us that the use of both words and pictures lets the brain process more information in working memory (Sweller, 2005). Not all students learn at the same pace. Research tells us that when learners are able to control the pace of the presentation they learn more (Mayer, Dow, and Mayer, 2003). Multimedia presentations are more effective when the learner has the ability to interact with the presentation, by slowing it down or by starting and stopping it. Understanding Multimedia Learning: Integrating multimedia in the K-12 classroom. (n.d.). Retrieved June 19, 2015, from

6 ISTE Teacher Standards
Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity Design and develop digital age learning experiences and assessments Model digital age work and learning Promote and model digital citizenship and responsibility Engage in professional growth and leadership. DISCUSS: What do these standards mean to you? What are some ways in which you already use these standards in your classrooms?

7 Standard 2 Model DISCUSS:
How did this exemplar meet the components of the standard on the previous page? How do you think students would react to or benefit from this type of instruction? What other questions or ideas do you have?

8 Standard 2 Table Activity
With your content group at your table, choose one upcoming CCSS Standard and consider how you could create an interactive lesson that uses technology to engage and assess students. Use the model, your colleagues, and the resources at the back of your Workshop guide.

9 Standard 3 Model Mrs. Bonham’s Bunch DISCUSS:
How did this exemplar meet the components of the standard on the previous page? How do you think students would react to or benefit from this type of instruction? Are there any other parts of the website that exemplify ISTE Standard 3, beyond those discussed in the model?

10 Standard 3 Activity Develop a lesson about your table’s standard by exploring online content or creating your own tech-savvy lesson. Remember that this lesson should address a specific CCSS objective. You should use this time to design at least one digital age learning or assessment tool for this objective, which you can show your table and share out with our group. At the end, each content group will share two learning products that would help students learn their CCSS objective.

11 Final Reflection What did you learn about the ISTE standards?
In what ways were you already incorporating the ISTE standards into your classroom? What is one new way that you will incorporate the ISTE standards into your classroom after this professional development? What is one thing that could be improved in this professional development? Are there any additional resources you need in order to be successful with what you learned today?

12 What next? Stay in the know: Consider following some teaching blogs that work with technology specifically, follow tech-savvy teachers on Twitter or Pinterest, and ask colleagues what technology they’re using in the classroom. Try new tools: Don’t be afraid to try something new, even if it takes a little bit of work. Students learn better when they’re engaged with interactive learning. Ask your students: Students can be wonderful partners in finding new resources online and getting feedback about the technology you have incorporated. Consider using an in-class or online survey to get feedback on a regular basis.

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