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Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

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Presentation on theme: "Rock, Paper, Scissors Game"— Presentation transcript:

1 Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

Two opponents face off at one time. The winner takes one Hershey kiss from the loser. You may compete as long as you have at least one Hershey kiss. When you lose all of your candy, return to your seat.

3 Debriefing 1) How did you feel at the start of each round?
2) How did you feel at the end of each round? 3) How did you feel when you ran out of candy and had to quit the game? 4) What could you have done to get back into the game? And what could have been the ramifications. 5) Do you think this game/rounds were fair? Why or why not? 6) Now that the game is over, what action did Kristy take, if any, to make the game fair? Should she have done so? Why or why not?


5 SO what is Capitalism? An economic system in which factories, equipment, or other means of production are privately owned rather than controlled by the government. Example – United State of America The idea that the free market, through supply and demand, will regulate itself if government does not interfere. In fact government should be “hands off” with big business. •Adam Smith “the” capitalist Wrote Wealth of Nations: felt capitalism good for society = THE BEST ECONOMIC SYSTEM! Because his theory was When everyone is selfish and concerned with personal profit, everyone will benefit.

6 SO what is Socialism A political and economic theory that advocates ownership of the means of production, such as factories and farms, by the people rather than by capitalists and land owners. Power belongs to the working class Ex – China, Yugoslavia (parts of U.S.S.R.)

7 SO what is Communism? An economic or political system in which the state or the community owns all property and the means of production, and all citizens share the wealth. Creates a classless society (theoretically C.Ex – Vietnam, Cuba, U.S.S.R.

8 Marxism They believed they discovered an inevitable pattern
Marx and Engels studied the history of the world’s economies Communism!!! Socialism Capitalism They believed they discovered an inevitable pattern Feudalism Basic Communism 8

9 Communist Manifesto 1848 Focus: Class Struggle (bourgeois-middle class & proletariat- lower class) Problems within capitalism Abolition of property Heavy, progressive taxes Abolition of inheritance Confiscation of property of all emigrants and rebels Central banking State-controlled communication and transportation State-controlled education of the children 9

10 Capitalism (Market economy) Socialism (mixed economy) Communism (Command economy) Ownership and control Competition Standard of Living Individuals control means of production Market determines what goods will be sold at what price Basic means of production owned and managed by government Private ownership, with regulation, of businesses Government owns means of production Government determines what goods will be sold at what price No competition, lower quality goods Competition keeps prices low and quality high Cooperation stressed over competition high standard of living and economic security Individuals free to earn profits, but may risk losses high standard of living and economic security High taxes provide free health care and education Goal is equality for everybody, enforced by the government

11 Communism/Socialism: What’s the difference?
Socialism is the stage between Capitalism and Communism. Nationalizes the means of production (i.e. corporations, banks, raw materials, etc.) = gives control of them to the government BUT: NOT all are equal! People are paid wages based on several factors (social need, difficulty of job, amount of schooling required, etc.), so not everyone will make the same wage. 11

12 What does any of this have to do with the Industrial Revolution?
Adam Smith’s capitalism dominated the Industrial Revolution which led to bad working conditions. Karl Marx wrote about communism as solution to capitalism’s problems. Marx said the workers would get fed up and overthrow their governments and start communism. 12


14 All are Economic Theories
Capitalism Private ownership; profits; government stays out of economy Government plays no role All are Economic Theories Socialism Communism Everyone Equal, Government controls businesses Capitalism is bad, Equality Everyone equal, working class uprising, no government

15 Which economic system is better for society…communism, socialism, or capitalism? Give 2-3 reasons why you think this.


Based on this activity, what are some advantages of a Marxist, classless society? What are some disadvantages?

18 What is good and bad about Communism?
THE ADVANTAGES: Security, basic needs met. Everyone would have a job, house, health care, etc. NO SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST PROBLEM HERE Who would support this idea? THE DISADVANTAGES: Lack of choice No reward for being a better worker, slackers get no punishment (lack of incentives and consequences). Everyone expected to be the same (lack of focus on individual growth).

Based on this activity, what are some advantages to Adam Smith’s Capitalistic Society? What are some disadvantages?

20 What is good and bad about Capitalism?
THE ADVANTAGES: Freedom, choice. You can work wherever, buy whatever, and pretty much do whatever. If you’re successful, you can be very successful (Think Bill Gates) “Survival of the fittest” → only the strong survive in capitalism! THE DISADVANTAGES: No “safety net.” If you fail, you FAIL! The government is not going to save you. If you’re unsuccessful, you can be very unsuccessful. Think about the poor. Big gap between rich and poor.

A child’s lemonade stand A soup kitchen A government that provides health care for all citizens The local fire department The Dow Jones industrial average increased 15 points (Stock Market)

You sell a candy bar for 25 cents more than what you bought it for Yosemite National Park Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream Company The Post Office Kristy rewards students with A’s on test with candy Group members all get the same grade on a project

23 Scenario #1 In this economy manufactures of automobiles control the number of vehicles produced each month in a effort to avoid surpluses that would minimize their profits.

24 Scenario #2 In this economy, the government produces it’s signature crab flavored soft drink and determines that it will be sold for $1.25 in all stores.

25 Scenario #3 In this economy, investors can make millions investing in the construction of new homes, but it is just as likely that the value of these properties could decrease by 40% and they will lose millions of dollars.

26 Scenario #4 In this economy, unemployment is around 3% and although taxes are high, all members of the society have access to good schools and hospitals.

27 Scenario #5 In this economy, there are only 3 types of automobiles to choose from. They often break down and they are all painted a light brown color.

28 Scenario #6 In this economy, you are the owner of construction company, but all your materials to build houses is regulated by the government to ensure safe housing for all.

29 Scenario #7 In this economy, the value of goods fluctuates greatly and as a company you must continue to produce quality goods, or risk being out of business.

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